The mysterious young man.

455- The mysterious young man.

Then Orochi’s eyes stayed on the ‘Bonus Stats’ section.

And a thought immediately appeared in Orochi’s mind.

‘This guy has a great secret.’

And the reason why this thought popped up is that the spear’s bonus stats is ‘0.5 Strength’ and ‘0.3 Agility’.

And it should be noted that the system is showing stats according to standard conversion by which Orochi’s stats are counted.

After the Rank up to [Rank F], 1 million stat points is equal to 1 point.

Hence, the stats bonus of ‘0.5’ and ‘0.3’ points is equivalent to ‘500,000’ and ‘300,000’ points.

This is not a small number, especially considering the fact that the average stats of a Human stage cultivator are between ‘0.001’ and ‘0.009’ points.

But the spear crafted by the young man can give such high bonus stats, Orochi can bet all his money that the young man has some secrets.

Thinking about this, Orochi started to have evil thoughts.