

When Isabella was keeping the frame back she found something that she knew was going to be her way out of this place.

Isabella found a pair of keys though she did not knew what treasure the key could open she was still glad to have found it. Taking the key she quietly dashed out of the room making sure that everything looked the same as it did before she intruded it.

Walking with the single key in her hand, she wondered what the key could be about. She saw Marco's office on the right hand side of the hallway and thought that maybe this was the key to his office and she could find something else in his office but when she walked towards his office and Put the key into its keyhole it did not work.

After trying the key for two or three hours Into every possible keyhole Isabella was about to give up and walked out towards the lift with which Marco had descended and thought if this key had something to do with the lift even though there was no keyhole beside the lift.