The crowd was having a blast. The team on the podium did their best to comically re-create the events in a way they saw fit to entertain the crowd. Most of them did not notice Alicia's departure, some never knew she was amongst the crowd to begin with.

Only those that bumped shoulders with her as she trampled her way out of the crowd recognized her presence. Otherwise the show went on and acts after acts were filled with gags.

Reene almost lost his footing as he tracked down Alicia. He was constantly being shoved back as he collided shoulder to shoulder with the people he was trying to make a way through. As he reached the edge pf the crowd he caught a glimpse of Alicia riding off into the darkness.


Leave us alone, I need to have a private talk with the lieutenant. Lora waved away the guards statued at the door after a momentary exchange of glares with his brother. The