There were at most ten undead knight guards charging into the hallway. A potent whiff of sweat circulated the vicinity. As they squeezed themselves into the hallway the rest of the cells’ occupants forced their doorways shut, afraid of what might be done to them by the soulless creatures. All cells were shut closed except for Garvin’s. He stood in the hallway, stretching his arms and legs to ward off the discomfort.

The guards turned their attention towards him.

“Get back to your cell! Right now!”

Garvin ignored the orders backed at him. A travesty. He folded the sleeves of his over-sized garment and began hopping around on his toes like a rabbit, loosening up his stiff limbs, as his feet landed on the ground they kicked dust into the air.

“Get back to your cell now prisoner or you die!”

Garvin kept ignoring them like they weren't even there. The front line was forced to engage. Two of the guards pulled out lances and advanced aggressively towards him.