“What you have to understand is that you are learning it with a purpose. Otherwise, without that purpose, there is no motivation and without that there just isn't any other way to will yourself to learn. So before we continue, do you have your purpose for learning the spiritual arts, and if so what is it?”

Asobi walked around the room, lighting up candles. At the very center sat Alicia, resting her mass on a rag rolled over the cold floor. She tried hard to do whatever it was she was told to do in order to begin her jaunt. Words floated in her mind as she attempted to fish the instructions out of her sea of imaginations.

“Focus on something, you have to create a spiritual link between you and the white canvas. You have to envision yourself as a painter, holding a brush over the canvas, as you stroke your brush over the canvas imagine yourself drawing a map, a walkway.”