The cold window frames wielded frost on the panes. Dew still hang on the blades of grass as rays of the rising sun bounced off of them, making the grassy ground shine. The aftermath of the storm that raged on the previous night could still be visible, broken branches, some were still barely hanging on trees, leaves scattered on the pathways, and a painful cold that came with the wind.

The restless kids gathered in groups around the class, narrating their night's experiences, how they coped with the six-hour-long storm.

“Well we live in a mansion, and our residence has water mages so I barely heard the storm,”

one kid said.

“My father and I went into the basement under our house.”

another kid said.

“What about you Drom? What did you do when the storm came?”

“Me and my daddy, we stayed in the castle, and then a branch fell on one of our servants it was so funny!”