Chapter One.

10 years later.

“It says she was found in the house alone with her dog. Apparently, she killed both her parents and one of the police officers that later arrived at the scene, how crazy is that? She was described as a demon, a monster something no one has ever seen before.” He said, with a mouthful of cereal.

“Jake, the only thing that’s crazy about all of this is the fact that you’re walking around the house shirtless in your boxers and slippers, a box of cereal in the one hand and your stupid iPad in the other. Can you just put that stupid thing away and go get dressed, you’re going to be late for school, AGAIN!” Diane said with a tone of irritation in her voice.

Jake Harper was a tall young man who had dark long hair and hazy green eyes, he was fairly well built and was into high tech gadgets, motorcycles, and that loud and distressing rock music that almost every teenager listens to. At least his mom thought it was maddening. Diane on the other hand, also known as Jake’s mother, was a single mom who worked as a nurse at one of the local hospitals. She was slightly shorter than Jake and also had dark long hair. She was a remarkably simple person who enjoyed her free time by reading, whether it be the newspaper or a book. The two got along extremely well, not that they had much of a choice after Jake father bailed on them 5 years ago.

“Good morning miss Harper” She said as she walked through the kitchen door with the biggest of smiles on her face.

“Hailey please, just call me Diane.” as she took a sip of coffee out of her mug.

Hailey sat next to her as she put her backpack on the kitchen counter.

“Oh, right. Sorry” while playfully pouting with her fairly big bluish eyes staring at Diane. “Is Jake ready? we have a Spanish test today, I wanted to get to school a bit early so I can get comfortable before the test”

“What?!, That’s today!?” as he rushed down the stairs with his toothbrush still in his mouth. “I honestly thought that was tomorrow, I can’t believe I mixed up the dates, again”

“what would you do without me?” Hailey Said with a smug and sarcastic look on her face “honestly, you would be as confused as a –”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Jake interjected, as he grabbed her hand and a slice of buttered toast from Diane’s plate while rushing out the house. “Bye mom, Love you”

“Bye Sweety, I –” The door slammed behind Jake as it interrupted her from finishing her sentence. “well, I love you too” she said at the bottom of her voice and got back to reading her newspaper.

As Jake got into his car Hailey shortly followed, she shut the door and turned around only to see Jake staring at her.

Hailey Blushed. “What are you looking at?” as she glanced into his eyes.

“I missed you gorgeous” he said right before he gave her a soft and gentle kiss on her cheek.

She blushed once more and gave Jake a gentle nudge on the shoulder, then turned around to grab her seatbelt.

Hailey was much shorter than Jake, she had really long blonde hair with light blue eyes. She was a beautiful yet shy girl who liked to keep to herself most of the time. She was outstandingly quiet and was hardly noticed at school, at least she did not want to be. This changed though, Jake was well known at school, and once people started assuming that her and Jake were dating it felt like the whole world had their eyes on her, that is beside the point though.

The two started making their way to school with the morning rush hour. It was about a 15-minute drive from the house, but Jake always made in 10 seeing that he was always in a rush.

With music loud enough to probably host an entire concert, Jake Slowed down to stop at a red light, and revved his metallic black 1967 shelby ford mustang a few times before making a complete stop. Hailey looked at him with a slight smile on her face while she swayed her head side to side and thought to herself that boys are honestly fascinated by the most senseless things the universe could ever provide.

She turned around and stared out her window into a SUV that was next to them. A little girl with red hair was sitting in the back with her little, pink teddy. It looked like it was a unicorn, or probably a pink elephant. It was hard to tell from where Hailey was sitting. Hailey gave her a wide and heart-warming smile as she waved at the little girl. she smiled and waved back at Hailey with the pink teddy being swung around frantically. The little girl soon leaned over towards the window. Curios to see what she was doing, Hailey continued to stare at her.

The little girl whispered in a deep and probably one of the most satanic/devilish voices you could ever think of. “Be afraid, for she shall return, and day will turn into night, the horrors of the world that walk beneath your feet shall rise again, as they shall be awoken by man’s evil desires. Be afraid, for she shall return” she said with her eyes rolled to the back of her head and head tilted to one side.

She gave Hailey what was probably the most uncomfortable look ever, along with the creepiest of grins a little girl could ever give you. Hailey jumped up as the little girl smacked the palm of her hand on the window and smiled at her once more. She was also startled by Jakes hooting and yelling seconds after that.

“Come on” as he aggressively hooted once more. “Move, I’m going to be late for school!” he yelled at the top of his lungs.

“Oh my Gosh Jake, do you honestly have to do that every single time?” She said, irritated as ever with a bit of fear crawling beneath her skin.

“Woah sorry, why are you so jumpy” Jake said apologetically as he put his hand on her thigh.

“I’m sorry” she said as she took a deep breath. “What that little girl said just freaked me out okay, and you hooting like a maniac didn’t really help either”

“What little girl?’ he said with utter confusion written all over his face. “you mean her?” as Jake pointed to the little red headed girl who seemed to be having a conversation with her pink teddy at the back of the of the SUV that was parked besides them.

“How could you possibly hear what she’s saying? She’s in a completely different car Hailey, I can barely hear you over this loud music” Jake said with a bit of a laugh.

“Let’s just get to school please” Hailey said anxiously, as she turned down the radio. “Jake does have a point, how did I hear her, and why was her voice so weird. What was she talking about, who is returning, am I possibly losing my mind?” She thought to herself.

Jake and Hailey made their way to school. They had arrived 10 minutes before the school bell rang which gave them enough time to get ready for the day ahead of them. Hailey still not as cheerful as she was earlier on, she rushed to the restroom to get a bit of breather and clear her mind.

“Come on Hailey, you got this” she said to herself while looking in the mirror. “your mind is playing tricks on you.”

She opened the tap and got her hands slightly wet so she could gently damp her face, trying not to ruin her make up in the process. The bathroom lights started flickering, Hailey stood there as anxiety started to build up inside of her. Suddenly Hailey heard a sound coming from the bathroom stalls that was right at the very end.

“H-hello?” she said softly with a shaky voice.

As she was slowly walking towards the sound, the lights stopped flickering for about five seconds right before they completely turned off. Hailey froze, and her anxiety turned into fear in a matter of seconds.

“where is it?” she whispered while panicking, in search of her phone.

With her hand scuffling through her handbag and fear racing in her heart she eventually pulled out her Phone and switched on the flashlight. she continued to make her way to the last stall with terror in her mind. As she got to the door, it swung open.

“Aaaaaaahhhhhh!” she yelled as she jumped back, flinging her handbag furiously all over the place.

After a short buzz and click sound, the lights switched back on.

“Oh my word be careful with that, you almost took my eye right out its socket geez. And get that flashlight out of my face.”

“Tamia?” Hailey gasped “why did you not answer me earlier on? I thought there was something in here, you scared the living hell out of me.”

Tamia looked at her and said sarcastically, "Hello, have you ever heard of earphones? You should try them.” as she brushed her long hair behind her ear to reveal the earphones that were rooted in her ear”

“Ha-ha, very funny” Hailey answered ironically

While washing her hands Tamia responded, “you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Anyways, let me rush to class, I'll see you later yeah?” as she grabbed her backpack off the ground and walked out the restroom.

“Maybe I have” Hailey said beneath her breath.

She went back to the mirror to fix herself up before leaving for class. She gently brushed her fingers through her hair to straighten it out again and pulled out some lip gloss out of her bag. Just as she opened it the lights went off once more.

“uhg, what’s up with these lights today” she said annoyed as ever.

She switched on her torch once more so she could finish applying her lip gloss, and just as she had shunned her torch into the mirror two figures wearing white and old torn raggedy gowns that were covered in blood stood behind her. Both on either side of her, staring at her with eyes that seemed to be pure black and oozing blood.

They whispered to her, in the same deep low-pitched voice that she heard from the red headed girl earlier on that day, “She shall return, death is upon you.”

Hailey terrified as ever ran out the restroom yelling. She tripped on her way out and turned around to see the two figures slowly walking towards her, dragging their feet, still on the ground she flurried to the exit while keeping her eyes on the two figures. She eventually bumped into Jake without realising it.

“Hailey? What are you doing on the ground” he asked as he knelt down towards her.

Still on the ground, she turned around, and as soon as she realised it was Jake, she gave him a hug. Crying and as scared as ever she explained what happened while racing through her words, she was breathing so heavily, and the make up around her eyes now smudged from her wet tears, she turned around once more to see that there was nothing behind her and the lights were on.

“Wait slow down Hailey, you’re not making any sense.” Jake said, with a confused and worried look on his face.

With eyes wide open and in complete disbelief Hailey got up.

“I have to go Jake” she said.

She rushed out the school doors with tears in her eyes, terrified as ever.

“Hailey!?, Hailey?!” he yelled.

It did not stop her from leaving and she was soon long gone and out of sight.