The room went silent, nobody dared to leave let alone say a word. Everybody was thinking the same thing, they all knew that if they left, they wouldn’t even make take 5 footsteps without being spotted by the walkers, even so, surviving out the is a whole different ball game than being in the hospital. They knew that if they had any chance of surviving then that would mean that they would have to stick together and stay within the hospital walls.
“Well then, I’m glad to hear that all of you will be staying, now everybody back to their posts.” Brenda said. She made her way towards Jake and a lady who was tending to him, in fact she was a doctor from the hospital.
“How is he doing?” Brenda asked as she stared at him.
“He’ll be okay, it’s nothing serious, he’s just unconscious from whatever happened out there, I’m pretty sure he’ll wake up any moment from…”
“Uhg, wha – what happened? Where am I?” Jake said at the bottom of his voice as he gently opened his eyes.