“Come one Jake, Lets go, there’s more of them coming.” Hailey said as she opened the door and pointed down the road in the direction of the of a horde of walkers that were making their way towards them.

“They must have heard the gunshots, Jake said to himself.” He immediately got his weapon and rushed over to the car. He hopped in and slammed the door behind him.

“Everybody okay?” he said as he turned around and looked at his mother in the back seat, still in shock at the fact that she just fired a weapon a walker.

“Uhm Jake, we really have to get going, don’t worry about her right now we’ll take care of it, you focus on what’s ahead of you and ensure that you get us to safety, alright?” Hailey said to him as she held his hand and assured his mother’s safety.

Jake started the car and locked all of the doors immediately. He closed the windows and even the sunroof that was above them. In one swift action, he put the car in first gear and ped off.