Chapter 17

It's been a month and two weeks since I've been here...I never really had any reason to go out.Ashanti made sure to keep me company…..and by company I mean two seconds a day..but still there's obviously something wrong but I haven't been well enough to find out what.Some days it feels like she's trying to run away from me to avoid my questions,most of the days when she doesn't come to visit I pass the time by looking out the window not looking at anything in particular just counting the birds flying by... nothing really interesting.

The old ha-lady has been grumpy usual but she still feeds me and hasn't kicked me out yet so I guess that's a good thing but then again she doesn't treat me like any worse than my aunt used to. Ashanti says that's how she is... although she is rather motherly but still.

Speaking of the old thing she finally and I quote in her words allowed me to go out… but I don't want to meet more….people not now or ever but…..then again I am absolutely sick and utterly tired of having to wake up and roam around this small dark world she calls her house so I will take her permission and make good use of it….

Probably see where Ashanti lives in and where she rushes off to everyday.Im somehow beginning to get a little concerned for her….and that's weird even for me because I hardly ever feel concern for anyone.Not even myself.

…..but then again she is my….. friend.Im grateful I have her honestly,but I haven't told her that yet.

I get up from my bed already dressed in a seemingly decent yet oversized shirt dress

and I head out.

"And where do you think you're going?"I hear mama ask from behind me


"You're not going anywhere untill after you're done helping me in the kitchen...and also put on some shoes"she says and I look at my completely naked feet mentally facepalming myself.

How did I not notice that?

I walk into her relatively small kitchen and do the most help I can ….the good thing about staying with her is that she had taught me some dishes and pastries...amongst others.



"When I told you that you can now go outside...I didn't mean you can wander around as you like"


"What I meant was that you'll be working at the vegetable farm for the village"

It's ironic how I didn't know that the vegetable city had a farm...I guess I've been in doors so much I kind of forgot.

"Eat quickly now I've sent for someone to pick you up and show you to the farm"She says pouring a mountain of porridge and beans on my plate and I look at it as disdain fills my stomach mostly because I don't like porridge and also because if I did I still can't finish it all.

"Eat up you have a long day ahead of you"she says snapping at me.

I swallow as much as I can and push my plate away to avoid vomiting what I've already been able to stuff in my mouth.

She takes the plate and pours out the residue in a small pot.

"I'll warm it up for dinner when you come back"she says with her back facing me and I honestly every single cell in my body a begging me to throw up just at that statement.However I know she won't let me leave if I did, she'd most definitely make me swallow the rest of the porridge in the pot to make up for the ones I threw up…... She's done it before,it's not a very pleasant memory.

For the brief time that I have come to know her she seems to have numerous policies which she holds up with so much of which is that food or at least her food must never be wasted,not even at the point of death.

I drink a glass of water and press down all the food hanging in my throat.Just then there is a gentle knock on the door.

"Stay here"she says leaving the kitchen I hear her open the front door and exchange light words with the person,I drink some more water successfully getting the taste of my mouth,soon after she comes back into the kitchen and leans at the door.I turn around to face her obviously feeling her burning gaze on my back.

I wonder why she's always telling me to stay's almost like she's afraid I'll answer the door and meet the wrong people.

"It's time to go get dressed"she says

I look down on my dress wondering what she means.

"What's wrong with my dress?"

"You look naked,put on some trousers or better still wear that dress I gave you remember it right?"she says

How could I not remember?It's the most hideous gown I have ever seen.

"Mama I'm going to a farm not a hideous dress competition"I snort

I honestly don't know why she's making a fuss about my dress; it's barely even above my knees.

"More reason why you don't have to dress like a whore get dressed and be quick about it"

I roll my eyes but comply anyway.

After I put on the dress I head to the living room only to see her looking accomplished, making me mentally roll my eyes.

I walk past her to the door and I'm about to open it when she calls out to me.

"Oh and Mirai '' she says"The boy is outside....Be on your best behavior"

"Whatever"I groan

I walk outside looking for any human until I spot a boy leaning on a tree.

"Hello?"I call out and his silhouette comes into light.

"You sure know how to keep a man waiting"he says kicking a rock

"Apologies"I say half heartedly

"It's okay I've always wanted to see this side of the village anyway….it's really far off though"he says finally leaving the tree.

There I see a human as white as snow with brownish orange coloured curls scattered here and there all over his head.His irises are gray and shaky but somehow steady enough to retain eye contact with me.

"Hey I'm Angel....mama sent me to pick you up"

"Uh huh"I utter looking up to meet his gaze because of his oddly tall stature.

"Don't mind my appearance I didn't get time to actually fix my appearance this morning and I happen to be one of those people cursed with uncombable hair"he says trying to brush his hair with his long slim fingers but it's like the hair keeps rejecting his fingers any entry.

"Shall we?"he asks gesturing down the road

"Uh huh"I utter still looking up at him

He sighs dropping his shoulders

"Please stop staring"he says leading the way

"S-sorry"I mutter finally regaining my voice following him behind.

I know what he is but...I've never seen many in my life time or anyone like him.

As we walk deeper into the village people walk past us and occasionally look back at us, most time they whisper and point but at the same time I feel like others are avoiding us…but all in all deep down I don't think they're doing this because of me I think they're doing it because of him.

I wonder how he feels having to stand out like that.A part of me is glad that I'm not the one their looking at for the first time in a long time,but then the other half slaps me with the reality that this used to be me.My reality.

We finally reach somewhere that looks like some sort of bus stop.He gestures for me to sit and of course having no other option I oblige.

Soon after a noisy bus comes around and halts in front of us.Angel hops on the bus and I do the same afraid of being left behind.

As I jump in the bus starts moving immediately and I hold on to the edge of the door to balance myself from falling off.The occupants of the bus all greet me with tired and stoic dirty faces as they silently stare at me.I quickly regain my composure and speed walk towards Angel who is already far ahead to the back of the bus as I carefully avoid eye contact.

He takes a seat by the window and I sit next to him elbowing him a little as I do so.

"Why did you just leave me there?"I ask annoyed.However he doesn't react he just looks out the window.

"Hello?"I call out slowly waving my hand in front of him genuinely concerned.

"What?"he asks wide eyed as he looks at me

"Nothing"I reply slouching back on my seat

The bus is huge totally contradicting what it looks like from the outside although it is in bad shape.Rusty seats, broken windows not to hide the fact the seat I'm sitting on is a bit wonky and I can feel every vibration from the engine.In summary this bus is wrecked.

I look to my right where Angel is sitting.He looks so out of it just staring out what isn't much of a window not seeming to notice anything happening around him,he doesn't look troubled though...he looks really peaceful.

"Stop staring"


The bus driver says something loudly but it sounds more like he's grunting than speaking actual words everyone else equally grunts along except for Angel and I. He is seemingly oblivious to whatever the driver just said.The driver speeds up making all the seats harmoniously wonk along here and there and occasionally vibrate.I feel nauseated,I'm just thankful I'm sitting by the window.

The driver takes us to a place with huge field that has a gigantic wall covering the other side with an equally gigantic gate.

The driver finally stops and the vibration finally comes to an end,my legs however begs to differ.

"Come on let's go"Says Angel nudging me

I manage to swallow and push down the food in my throat and nod but he doesn't get up.He takes my arm and helps me get up and get off the bus with the rest of the passengers.As soon as we get down I notice other buses come in and drop off other passengers.There are hundreds of us in the middle of nowhere.

Angel nudges me again

"Stay close,it's pretty rowdy"he says and leads the way

The size of the crowd overwhelms me….so many people.Suddenly a loud siren goes off and there is a sudden rush within the crowd to push forward.As I push forward I begin to notice that Angel is getting out of sight further away from me.

Angel seems to notice that I'm not close.He turns around struggling to stand on his feet as he scans around for me.

"Angel"I call out waving my hand honestly afraid of the overwhelming crowd.But somehow deep down I know it's not the crowd I'm afraid of….it's what's in it.I feel a very familiar but dark aura hovering around me trying to swallow me…...or maybe I'm just nauseous from the crowd,I don't kno-.

"Hey I told you to stay close"says Angel, pulling me as he grabs my arm and I use my other arm to grab his sleeve but he doesn't mind as we push through the crowd into the entrance.

Something in my gut tells me that today is going to be a long day.