Chapter 20

**The past**

**At the mansion**

Mirai seemed more chattier than usual and a bit more cheerful than she usually is.Not that this is a bad thing but it's somehow odd.

When she's done eating she thanks Ada and Nicodemus and goes upstairs.

Mirai is a strange person,and she grows stranger by the day,it shows in the way she smiles maliciously at the mansion every morning in the evenings.She'd go out of her room and creep around watching heavens knows what the in garden.

But most of all Mirai is like a different person,gait is different,her speech is different-she now talks at a slower pace-she even smiles differently now- maliciously.

She scares me

Ever since I saw that sparkle in her eye I've kept my distance in an arm's length

In my village that was a sign of an evil spirit and it could spread to whoever goes too close.

Today after I was done with my chores late in the evening madam Ada called for me.