4 00 pm
Andrew p.o.v
"Guys, I'm off to Lucy's apartment, I will gist you when I come back" I said to my friends.
"Okay bro don't forget everything we told you to say" Owen and Leonard said.
"Alright dudes" I said as I adjusted my face cap very well.
"If she doesn't give in easily, bro yell at her, threaten her, call her names because that's exactly what some ladies need" Dylan said.
"You've never been sensible when it comes to given advice concerning Lucy, crazy dude, I'm outta here" I said and took my car key from the centre table then made way to the car garage.
I got there and texted her to dress up, I'm on my way already, I want to dress like her that's why I used a face cap.
I waited for a response but when I got none, I ignited my car and drove to their apartment.
I got there and parked my car very well beside their apartment, I alighted and walked into their compound confidently.