
HILY Chapter 11

"Remember, your goal is to keep him away from them. As much as possible, do everything you can. I'm getting too annoyed with him. He's getting too close to them." A girl said while drinking the juice she bought a while ago.

"But why me? Sis, I can already think of the consequences of what you want me to." the man replied to his brother. "Besides, he might recognize me."

"He doesn't know you. And everyone knows that I have a brother, but never knew who he is. What you should avoid is his older brother. Xander knows you." the girl said tremblingly to her brother.

"Besides, I know you're an expert in such things. That's why I talked to you." the woman added.

"Hahaha. If it weren't for you sis, I wouldn't do it." he touches his sister's hair and left the house to go to his new school.

- - -

Monday. Arielle came early for his first subject. He already send Adrian to school. He only met a few people in the room, he didn't know all them for they were not close.

He sat down at the corner where he always sit. He bended down in the armchair, his head hurts again. It's good and he doesn't have a fever anymore.

"Hey Arielle! How are you? Are you okay?" Diether was relieved to see him. He just arrived and he's not with his friends.

"I'm okay. Thanks for the concern." He remember what Alain did for him when he was sick.

"By the way, why are you alone?" Arielle ask him.

"Yes, as what you can see. Why? Are you waiting for someone to come who's supposedly, not me?" He even looked behind him.

"Ha? I'm not waiting for someone else! Why would I? I'm just used to see you with your friends." He rolled his eyes.

"Alain and Edrien were in the IT Building. Alain went to Nicole." he sat down next to Arielle. On the right side more specifically. And about what Diether said, it was probably Alain's girlfriend.

"Ahh is that so?" That's all he said. As much as possible, he wants to avoid anything related to the boys.

Gradually their classmates came one by one. Lance and Jansen were sitting in front of Arielle. And Arielle's beside Diether.

Alain's still not in the room. Everyone was silent when the professor entered the room. The students greeted him.

"Good morning class, I have two big announcements to tell you, so before we start, please fix yourselves, sit properly.

"Hey Arielle, we'll tell you something later." Ara suddenly whisper from where he is sitting.

"What's that? Tell me"

"I can't." Ara looked at the one next to Arielle, which is Diether, before he speaks again.

"It's very confidential." Arielle had an idea that it has to do with the boys.

"Okay Mr. Navarro, you may now come in." The prof called out a students from outside the room. A tall and handsome guy came in.

"Hi everyone. I'm Justin Bryle Navarro, I'm 22 years old and I'm a transferee from Kleinford. Nice meeting you all." and he smiled showing his extreme good looks that makes the girls blush.

"You can choose among the vacant seats where you want to sit." And all of a sudden Arielle's classmates were upset.

"I'll just occupy that vacant chair." the new student said while pointing at the vacant chair beside Arielle, and suddenly he smiled at him. Arielle find it weird.

Everyone became silent when two men suddenly appeared from the door. It was Edrien and Alain who is glaring at Arielle. Arielle wondered why.

"All right Mr. Navarro, you can sit next to Mr. Aquino. And you two, you're late. Well, you may come in. I have a very important announcement."

"Hello, I'm Justin Bryle, and you? What's your name?" he asked Arielle with a smile and held out his hand.

"Ummm .. Arielle .. I'm Arielle .. Nice meeting you." Arielle finds the new guy weird.

Suddenly Arielle looked to his right side. The three of them were looking at him. Diether's frowned. Edrien's seems to be just wondering. While Alain's still glaring at him.

"Hey!" He was surprised when the new guy suddenly grabbed his hand.

"Hey, I said are you okay? You were suddenly stunned."

" Yes. I'm okay. Don't mind me."

"Umm. Can you please release my hand?." Arielle said.

"Ohh haha. Sorry." he scratched his head.

He was about to speak when prof announces something.

"Okay class, listen. Our off-school activity is on Friday. We will be there for three days so prepare everything you will use and need. And Justin? You are part of that activity."

"You have a lot of activities to do in that activity. There are ball sports like volleyball and basketball. You also have swimming, and there is a forest nearby so you can explore, you can also hike because there is also a mountain nearby." The students became excited. But Arielle doesn't like swimming, for he don't know how to swim.

"So everything's clear?" it was a bit noisy inside the room. They all seem excited.

"One more thing, you'll be in pairs in that activity. Your grades will be based on the performance of you and your partner. In every game and activity, you will receive points. And whoever have the most points will have the highest grade for that activity " everyone became excited with whom their partner's going to be.

Arielle hopes it is not Diether. He don't like to get annoyed by that guy. And Arielle's sure, he will look for a female partner to be with in that three days activity.

Arielle thinks of pairing up with Edrien. He thinks that it depends if Edrien also wants him to be his partner. But he suddenly saw Edrien, he is talking to Jansen.

And about Alain, Arielle just shook his head. He thinks it's not a good idea that they will be partners. He thinks that when they lose in the activities, Alain will blaim him.

"Quiet class! Don't talk to the person you want to partner with because I already paired you randomly." a lot of people disagree, but of course they can't do anything about it.

The prof suddenly give the students one by one, a card with a number written with it.

"The cards I have given to you have numbers written in it. And it has a same number with one of your classmates. Whoever have the same number are going to be partners.

"Hey what's your number?" Justin asked him.

"I don't know. I haven't opened it yet."

"Mine's number 5. I hope we're partners." Justin smiled and Arielle finds it weird.

"Hey Arielle is your number?" Arielle turned to his right side. It was Diether.

" I haven't opened it." Arielle looks at Alain and still, he's glaring at him.

"Open it quickly! I hope we're partners. I got 12." Diether even showed to Arielle his card and Arielle is deeply praying that he will not get the same number.

"I got 7" Edrien is smiling.

He even wait for Allan to say his number but he didn't seem to have interest.

"Open it. Go!." Diether excitedly told Arielle.

Suddenly Allan stood up and left the room.

Arielle opened the card but he did not look at it first. He slowly peeked in and his number is 11.

"What's up? Did you draw 5 too?" Justin said while smiling again.

"5? No! He got 12. Am I right, Arielle?" Diether ask.

"Not either. I heard someone over there were asking for 5 and 12. Tell them Arielle that you got 7." Edrien joins the conversation, causing the three of them to look at each other badly.

"That's enough. None of you got the number that I've got." the three of them fell silent. But Arielle is still curious who among the class got 11.

"Looks like you enjoy searching for your partners. All right class, I will dismiss you early. Let's just meet at 5:00 am in front of the school in our activity.You can bring your own cars or go with your friends, or with your partner " Arielle became upset. He already have problems with the expenses, and now he also thinks how to get there.

Since they have about 2 more hours vacant time before the next class, most have decided to leave the room and come back when the time comes.

"Arielle, can I ask you a favor?" Justin suddenly appeared next to him.

"What is it"

"Take me on a tour around the school." dito.

"I'm not very familiar with it yet. I'm also a transferee and I only came here this semester." Arielle replied.

"Is that so? That's good! Let's explore Halo together" he said with a smile.

"Okay hehe" so they arranged their belongings so they could go outside. But even before they got out the door, their female classmates went towards them.

"Justin my loves? What number did you get? Maybe we are the same" one of the girls said.

"Daddy Jus! Tell me that you also got number 1 like meeeee" a girl screamed.

"Justin my baby, tell me that you also got 5!" Jansen cried out loud!

Justin looked at Jansen. "Wow, you also got 5? Nice! I also got 5." He's smiling my

"Hey Arielle! Are you about to go somewhere? Wanna join us in the cafe?" out of nowhere, Diether suddenly appeared, along with Edrien. Arielle looked at Justin who is busy entertaining their classmates.

"Umm we're going somewhere." He said while pointing to Justine.

"Is that so?" Dorther just sparingly answered. Arielle just noticed, Alain's not with them again.

"So let's go?" Justin came.

"Where are we going?" Arielle ask him while they were walking together.

"Anywhere." Arielle's answer is pretty lifeless. He feels like something is missing.

"Can we go to the activity center?" Arielle did not respond but suddenly went straight to AC.

"Oh look girls. Look who's here .." they suddenly came across the group of girls who intentionally fights with him last week.

"Oh God! He has a new boyfriend again. You're really a whore." Arielle remembered her. She's the one who poured juice on him!

Arielle noticed that one of the girls whispered to the leader.

"Yes, so you better shut your mouth if you don't want me to slap you." The leader argues with her member.

"Hey girls, don't insult my friend." Justin joined the conversation.

"Well, you know, Mr. Handsome, if I were you, take that bitch away from me before I do anything bad to him."

"You know girl, we're really leaving even if you don't tell us to leave. Besides, you're be the one who blocked our way, so please, get out of my way." Arielle said while raising his eyebrows. And it is effective since the girl already left them.

"That was great! I never saw someone answer her like that." Justine laughed. L

"You know her?" Arielle ask him question.

"Ha? Ah eh... Yes? I saw her here last Friday when I submitted my formw. Right, right. That's right. She seemed so scary so I was just surprised that you just answered her like that." he answered confusedly.

They finally arrived at the AC of Halo peacefully, because the girls did not bother them again. There are some men playing volleyball, they are the varsity players of men's volleyball team .

Justin invited him to sit in one of the bleachers so they could watch the people doing their training. Arielle saw a familiar face on one of the players, it was Bernard. He then realized that Bernard is one of the varsity players.

He oticed Justin was busy texting when he looked at the other team, which was Bernard's opponent. And he was surprised to see who was serving.

It's Alain.