
"Wait, I'm still confused. Alain has no girlfriend but he's not single?" Bernard asked again.

"Ummm ..." they boys looked at each other because of what Bernard 2 told them.

"You're acting weird when it comes to Alain. But it's okay if you will not answer" he said and smiled.

"It's because Alain already have a fiance. So he didn't have a girlfriend and he's not single." Bernard told him. Edrien, Diether and KC breathe in relief after hearing that.

"That's surprising." Bernard #2 said jokingly. "Oh well, let me get something to drink on the kitchen and we're heading back upstairs. Thanks by the way for the little chitchat." they now leave the boys and Edrien breathe a sigh of relief when they left.

"That's almost an indirect confession hahahaha" Diether said while laughing out.

"Yeah, you're right. But hey Bernard. What took you so long upstairs?" Edrien asked Bernard.