Chapter 2


In AN Orphanage House;

Inside an orphanage house two children were fighting. "No this mine"one of their children spat "no this is mine"the one said,they fought very badly with eachother.Meanwhile a black hair female entered and saw two children were fighting over a teddy bear "now what's going on here"she spoke in gentle tone as the two children stopped and turned their heads towards her,the black hair female smile. "Hello there annie and jennie"she greeted them. "Hello miss annaya"they greeted back

"Can you tell me why are you both fighting"a brown hair female asked

"Miss annaya she stole my teddybear and saying it's her"she one of the siblings answered

"No it's mine i did'nt steal it you gave me this teddybear miss annaya"the other one interrupted

"Hmm,if i am not wrong i gave both of you teddybear and both the teddybear were same"she pointed out "in otherwords maybe one of you lost your teddy"she spat

"Yes i remember i was playing with my teddy in garden after that i lost it"said the small child

"See,now if the misunderstanding is clear appologies ti eachother"annaya said

"Ok"both of them replied as they stair at eachother "i am sorry"both of them appologies eachother as they bowed

Annaya-"now hug eachother" she spoke as they hugged eachother and smiled

"Well done"an old voice came behind of the two kids

Annaya-"uncle chan"she spat in chinese

Uncle Chan-"hello annaya how are you doing"he replied (chinese)

Annaya-"i am doing great what about you,i hopes these children is not bothering you"she replied back

Uncle-"no,but one of them broke my painting kit"he said

Annaya-"let me guess is it him"

Uncle-"yes"he nods

Annaya sighs-"ok you two go back and do your homework"she said to the two children as they walk away,as she walk with old uncle

Annaya-"so how he broke the painting kit"

Uncle-"he overpowered"


Uncle-"yes but this he controled his powers but not for long"

Annaya-"where is he"

Uncle-"he locked himself in dungeon"

Annaya-"what"shocked "anyway i should go and see him"

Uncle-"only you can help him"

Annaya-"i know i know i heard this many times"

To Be Continued