Chapter 4

Annaya followed him "ed wait for me"

Ed-"You are to slow ann"

Ann-"i am not slow this is my normal speed,you are using your powers to compete with me"

Ed-"i dont need my powers to compete with you"

Ann-"haa,you are big liar,you always use your power and break everything so you can compete with me,and when you loose you came here to hide from your reward"

Ed-"so uncle told you already"

Annaya-"duhh you always break his things stick,frames,paint brush and now painting kit"

Ed stops,annaya hit by him "oww say before stopping"she spat as ed turns around as Ed stare at her"what"she asked

Ed-"i overpowered again"

Annaya-"i know"

Ed-"than why are you here i still cant control it and you can feel it"

Ann-"i do that's why i am here to help you control it"

Ed-"no way i would rather stay my whole life in this dungeon with my uncontrolable powers,rather than...."paused

Ann-"hey you are so mean"

Ed-"whatever i dont want to kiss you"he said with hatered

To Be Continued