Chapter 10

Annaya open the door of her room as she entered the room and lay on bed and stair at the wall-"why.....why.....he was my first love why did this happened if not for that damm so called lucky day we four were living a happy life together"she stated "i have an unlucky fate"

"Your fate is not a problem"a voice came out from nowhere,annaya shocked as she stood up and look around

Annaya-"who are you come out"she ordered

Voice-"you cant ordere you still have a long way"

Annaya-"come out"she stand and look all over her room

Voice-"i am inside your mind,i am called the guardian who is in your family from thousands of years"voice point out

Annaya-"what so called guardian i never heard about you before no one never told me"

Voice-"that's beacuse the family i am talking about was mutant family and the family you grew up is normal people"

Annaya-"come out now"she spat as she opened her cupboard

Voice-"its no use you want find me anywhere because i am in your mind"

Ananya-"i dont care get visible wright now"she stated



Voice-"to see me you have to complete some task and you only have a year to complete this task otherwise you will be disappeared and i will search for another master who is not a fool"the voice explained

Annaya-"you..."clench tight

Voice-"oh and one more thing if you finished this task you will have a powed to control and to find out the truth of which you want to know"hinted

Annaya heard it-"wait you said i can find out the truth of anything

Voice-" complete this task"

Annaya-"if i complete this task than i can find the truth about that day and i can take my revenge"she thought in her mind

Voice-"wait you cant take revenge or misuse your powers"


Voice-"these powers are not to take revenge if you misuse these powers your loved ones will get hurt and you will never see them again"

Annaya-"there is no one left"

Voice-"there is,dont forget these people who you help and give them love a place to stay food to eat and make their wish come true"

Annaya-"you are right...but"

Voice-"you also edward"

Annaya-"how did you know about edward"

Voice-"it is my job to know everything and each detail about even your first love,the betrayal,the lost siblings love,the lost frienship,everything"

Annaya-"wait you said betrayal??"

Voice-"yes remember edward step sister lily"

Annaya-"yes she is edward and carol step sister same father but different mother"

Voice-"yes you have to find out what happened between these sibilings"

Annaya-"you mean i have to visit their house"

Voice-"correct but first you have to go that bar than go to the place where you firat met them"