Chapter 14

Annaya-"i am sorry but i cant"she refused

Guest 1-"but this id charity party and you will find many lands there where you can build more orpahange and old house"

Annaya-"sorry"she interrupted them as she stand "please leave"she spat,the two guest stands

Guest 2-"in case you change your mind"said as put down their business card on table and left

Annaya sighs as she sat on sofa-"phew"she remembered of something unpleasant

Voice appeared-"you shouldnt have rejected them"the voice spat

Annaya-"oh you are back"

Voice-"you are not surprised"

Annaya-"duhh its not first time"

Voice-"yes but its second and you adapt at second not bad"

Annaya-"you sound like him"

Voice-"who your boyfriend"

Annaya-"he is not my boyfriend"denied