The sun beat down mercilessly on the first noon of Herstings. The heat hit Seira like a gavel as she stood on the gateway of the village, revealing tall brick walls built in concentric circles and multiple lines of defense. Over the thick walls, Arcadis, the capital of the Adeosian Kingdom, is located. It is the home of nobles, high-class, and middle-class families born with great magic.
A woman dressed in a yellow one-piece dress next to her along with the travelers, day-trippers made an audible gasp and stared at the stronghold with admiration aside from Seira who looked at the wall with so much disdain.
The sound of a heavy metal object opening resounded on the open area catching the attention of the onlookers. It is a vertically closed gate with a lattice grille made of metal. Carriages that were constructed in refined craftsmanship painted in different colors passed by the gate one after another. Whoever rode inside the vehicle had to be someone important. Even the coachmen were dressed in expensive clothing.
Dust particles were entrained, clouding Seira's vision momentarily. She blows the dust off using her hands and starts to walk away from the area when she catches a pair of striking blue eyes on one of the open window panels of passing carriages. Those pairs of eyes were ocean-strong illuminating in the radiance of the bright sun rays. Her gaze followed the vehicle until it moved past through her position but her eyes were still fixated on the vehicle until she couldn't see it anymore. The clear image of the enchanting irises was stuck in her mind. She shook her head, dismissing the image of the eyes in her mind and walking away in the direction of the market.
As soon as Seira reached the market of Herstings, bargains here and there greeted her. Everyone is hurrying, yelling, persuading customers to buy and sell different products.
"Isn't it too expensive?"
"How much is this?"
"Limited silk skirts here for 20 gold coins!"
In the crowd of bright and pastel hues of various styles of corsets, bonnets, top hats, bustles, and suits, Seira stood out in the crowd in her one-piece dress with a pale brown skirt on the top; tortilla brown headscarf was covering half of her face. The dark brown worn-out boots she is wearing add up to her atypical self in the mass of average class people.
"Excuse me," Seira said to the young woman who was in her way.
The woman raised a brow and flipped her long black hair at her then walked away while exaggeratedly swaying her hips. Seira mentally rolled her eyes, used to those kinds of hostile behavior.
"I am the great head chief of the Fuegis Clan, now bow down to my strength," said a man with blonde hair wearing a pale brown cloak; standing in the middle of the market together with five others dressed in red, light blue, white, gray and black cloaks. A light brown circle with ancient writings on the side appeared on his open palm followed by vines, flowers, and plants crawling towards the fascinated audience.
People gathered around them; kids jumped in anticipation and admiration as they watched the small skit of the group.
"Why would I bow down to you when my strength was much greater than you? I cast the brightest flames that can blaze your plants into ashes" replied the other man; revealing a small orange flame in his hands.
"That's Lord Theron" kids shouted excitedly; clapping and waving their hands.
"Show us your strength, Lord Radu!" teased by one of the parents in the crowd.
A spurt of water appeared from the other man's hand that made the watchers laugh their heart's out. It was followed by a swift swoosh of wind and the audience shout of 'Lord Jedediah and Mortham Clan'.
"Lord Caedmon, Lord Caedmon" cheered once more of the crowd.
Seira turned to her left to avoid the mass of onlookers who watched the small skit of the group.
There are seven main clans in the Adeosian Kingdom, representing the strongest family of Mages or Elementalist. The name of the clans was also based on the family name of the head of the clans. Lord Adar Fuegis for the element of nature, Lord Theron Von Stein for the clan who are fire users. Lord Radu Aquiris for the water element, Lord Caedmon Denholm for the element of light, Lord Jedediah Mortham for both air and spirit elements. And the most powerful clan where the royalties came from was the Nathrezim Clan holds the element of darkness. Lord Lucian Nathrezim is the current head of the clan—brother of the late king.
There are other abilities or magic but those seven elements hold the crown for being the strongest.
People born with great or average magic mostly came from families under those clans and the populace who barely got magic belongs to their kind—the low class or proletarian kind. There was an academy for magic users but only the middle class or average people that live inside Arcadis can attain those privileges. Most low-class mages end up being a vendor or an actor like the group earlier. Some didn't bother to use their abilities at all. And there are people who were not endowed by any magic or ability at all—the Megens.
A little girl, giggling while looking at the necklace with a butterfly pendant standing in front of the stall of accessories caught her attention. A humble number of people were gathered at the stall, some are intently checking out the accessories and other products in the stall.
"How much is this?"
"What should I buy?"
"Do you have a darker color of this?" a customer held out a pair of rings to the vendor.
Seira curiously peeked at the stalls of necklaces. Various necklaces in different styles are neatly put on the long table. Buying things in Herstings was not in her plan as the price in the place was higher compared to her town but she suddenly thought of buying Mary a necklace as a gift at the sight of the little girl earlier. The granddaughter of the woman who served as her guardian when she was 8 years old.
She picked the blue sapphire gemstone for Mary. Just as she was about to pay for the accessory, she caught sight of the pendant in a triangular figure with three interlaced arcs, overlapping each other. She moved her hand to pick the necklace but a large, veiny hand beat her. A diamond shape with a skull in the middle was tattooed on the hand. Dread twisted in her gut. A sudden heavy feeling hit her stomach; her heart lurched. Fighting a rising panic, she shakily pulled out her hand and picked out the amber gemstone near it.
"I will get these two" raw panic was in her voice.
"That's 10 silver coins," the middle-aged woman replied.
She took out 10 silver coins in her purse and handed it to the woman. Before she turned away, she took a glimpse of the man with a skulled tattoo. He is wearing black-cloak with his face completely hidden in the hood.
Seira turns in the alleyway that she catches sight of; leaning against the brick wall, breathing hard. Her eyes were busy roaming around to check out her surroundings.
"What is he doing here? Is there anyone lurking in this town aside from him?" she muttered to herself.
It was already 15 years ago when that happened but it still felt like yesterday. With that thought, she raised her hand to touch her headscarf. Relief washed over her when a thick fabric came in contact with her cold hand.