After a few minutes, she pulled out from hugging Bella and wiped her tears.
"Thank you" she mumbled.
Bella smiled a little and caressed her back before getting on her feet.
"I will just going to prepare your bath"
She weakly nodded.
The moment the door shut, she looked at the dark balcony and stared at it for a moment. Just simply staring without thinking anything at all.
A hand suddenly touched her skin. She glanced to her side and saw Bella.
“Your bath is ready. I already prepared your clothes”
“Thank you, Bella, sorry to bother you”
Bella cut her off “You're not a bother to me. I am your friend and servant, assisting you is my job”
She took a deep breath and sincerely smiled “I’m grateful to have you and the others to be my friend”
"And so we are"
Bella pulled away from her "I will give you space alone. You can tell the guards outside if you need something, they are the ones who will inform me. But I will get back later to deliver your meal"