Soon after, Sevyn finished taking a bath. She walked out of the bathroom naked and went straight to the closet, taking out a bathrobe. Water dripped from her hair to the floor. She picked another white towel and used it to wrap her wet hair. Instead of starting to wear a dress, she pulled out one of the drawers. She takes out the black folded plastic bag inside that she asked Emma earlier.
She trudged to the bathroom and picked her dirty clothes along with blood-stained gloves, muddy boots, her accessories, and the shards of glasses, putting it all inside the plastic bag. She tied it securely and carried it outside the door. She washed her hands in the sink, letting the water wipe off the dirt and blood on her hands. She stares down at the floor of the bathroom where some bottles are still on the floor and mud with drops of blood visible. Ignoring, she left the bathroom looking at the wounds on her knuckles.
"EMMA!" she called loudly.
Soon after, someone knocked on the door.