Ideas that when Dreaming: Wake up!

Once upon a time there was a home with a father dedicated to work and a mother dedicated to caring for her family; They lavished so much love, care, and precious moments of shared learning with their children. Together, they made short trips, to the places where their parents used to take them. —Nature in seasonal time allows us to satisfy desires according to generational cycles.

However, in this time of pandemic, the risk of contagion increases, and to avoid damaging health: the confinement is local and national with prohibitions from one country to another. And because parents work virtually and children study from home through the Internet. Faced with this dilemma, it is required: "Ideas that when dreaming: Wake up!

One day, Papa Charly, and why it was allowed, went out to buy fresh food. He noticed an auction of school supplies in the market. Educational materials that in the current school year 2020, failed to sell well, as the classrooms of public and private schools were closed, for fear of contagion.

Papa Charly, a telecommunications expert, liked a 12-inch geometric box. Whose main characteristic was to be unbreakable, - let's say: "Ideal for little girls".

When he got home, he went, like every day, to his office; "Even if that day is free", instead of spending resting, he preferred with the set of rules to make concentric drawings. "The idea is to make mandalas." So that at the time of sharing family learning. Absorbed in his work, didn't he take into account the elapsed time !?

The girls suddenly burst into the room, tired of waiting in the study room. - Father! Why? You are here by yourself. "I ask: Danay."

-Yes. Father. Since when: you play alone. Ah !? Hey?! "He exaggerated: Victoria." Behind the girls. —Mama Carini, followed her little ones, observing her steps and considering it fair, she proceeded in the intervention. —Charly: It's no longer waiting time! Will they play here? She asked.

Charly, surprised; he used the circumstances: "Like everyone in their homes." He improvised, a speech. "Tolerating being interrupted."

-Indeed. He said, "Today we are doing a multiple intelligence class."

- "Dad, have you gone crazy from so much confinement?" Shall we not climb the tree, which has a ladder to the little house on the mountain? There are the toys. —Started a claim: Victoria.

- "Oops." Father. He said: Danay. Here you go: the computer, the printer; what you work with. If only you would allow us to use paper and colors, as Professor Mielsy does in class.

-Clear. He added: Victoria. Mama Carini. You know. That pastor Bierny: "He gives us a job like the one dad does." You've seen? —Looking at his mother: "She pointed her finger at him."

"What did he teach you?" He said: Danay. Come on, show us. Determined to stay, and start there, her playtime. —Of course: accepting a scenario, previously prohibited for the little ones, given the electronic components that dad uses.

—Danay, climbing on the right leg of Papa Charly—, and taking, the sheet with the drawings and traces… I ask: What is it?

—Mama Carini, three hours away to give her online classes, adapted, in her husband's office: A small table with four chairs. "Come" Please. Take the chair according to the color of the team of it. Danay and Papa Charly in the green chairs. Victoria, come with Mama Carini in the orange chairs. Mama Carini ordered. All sitting and holding hands! Mama Carini: she proceeded to pray. —We thank God for this moment of learning together. A unison was heard: "Amen!" Very strong, like a family choir; for the expectation of knowing: What would Papa Charly teach?

—Take: Sheet, pencil and ruler ...

-Ready! Charly, "said Carini, taking care of distributing the materials." ——Today we are going to learn, to do: Drawings! "She said: Charly," with a geometric object that is beveled on the ruler. We will draw a triangular figure in a Cartesian plane intercepted at its zero point by two diagonals. A base figure on each side of the lines "as they observe Mama Carini". Then you have to draw up to eight figures with a left to right direction and another eight figures with a right to left orientation.

—In circles, as if following: "the hand of the clock," said Danay. And getting up, she made a gesture, backwards, and said: Aha! As follows: "The walk of a crab" Outlining a smile.

- Exactly: she said: Charly-; laughing at the occurrence of her daughter Danay.

-Father!? Explain: What is a Cartesian plane?

"Mama Carini", trying to be an assistant in Papa Charly's classes. "She realized that, for this, they do not need blank drawing sheets. If not square sheets." And since there were none on the table. She asked the girls to bring backpacks that they used to bring to school.

—So they went to get their class things, which were in each one's study cabinets.

—First: He came in, Victoria, saying, Wow! She had forgotten: How much do these notebooks and books weigh? "Already I took out the square leaves ... "

-Yes. She nodded: Mama Carini. Especially the math notebook. "Whose leaves were intact." Classes never started. Well, they were suspended at the beginning of March 2020; "and never to start."

—Well, the extension of the Social Confinement has already been decreed until July 2021; this in Peru.

"After a while, it came: Danay." Who had: A tear in his eyes. Everyone affectionately ran to hug her and everyone hugged. And all: They cried! Consoling each other. "Oh, God mercy was heard!"

"Charly, he called Pastor Bierny", she told him what had happened; and when putting the call on loudspeaker. He asked, "What words of wisdom are required for the occasion?"

—God is faithful and provider, he opens today: "an instant of reconciliation"; "of relief"; "of hope". I give you a verse from the Bible; I hope: "Les, illuminate the way forward today." -Quoting, Galatians 6: 6: "He who is taught in the word, let him share in everything good to the one who instructs him." "Wisdom at peace in their lives to this day". Amen. "See you at Zoom for Virtual Sunday School this Sunday.

More consoled, sighs were heard; After nine months of confinement, they vented their frustration and helplessness. "—Danay. Unintentionally. She had freed the whole family from the weight of nostalgia; sadness is tempered by good memories. And, having dried her tears: she looked tenderly at mother: Carini.

- "Good girls." she said: Papa Charly. Today we are going to recycle, reuse to make this venture viable.

-Yes! Yes! Yes!

"Do you have the checkered sheet and the pencil in your hand?" Make a point in the middle of the sheet. Then draw a straight line, from top to bottom and draw another straight line from left to right. Then vertical lines that intercept the zero point in the Cartesian plane. "As I am doing on the board." Whoever finishes first, like other times, has the first star in the class.

—It is your freedom if you later paint the lines with colors or if you like to make the lines with the colors, think about the aesthetics of the forms. Reflect on your work and share with the team and ask for suggestions for improvement. Be a team presenting your work, exposing to the class something that needs to be learned. If they are good ideas: first we will imitate them, then we adapt them for teaching resources for the next level of teaching.

-Done! The girls said at the same time, so a star was put on each at the top of the page, plus a kiss on the forehead from Daddy Charly to Danay and another kiss from Mommy Carini to Victoria.

The use of the stars, it was Danay's idea, one sunset, he saw from his room, a comet flying in the distance, and at nightfall, with a sky full of stars, he said: I want a fleeting moment of emotion and being able to remember it for at least a week ... something to do, our ideas fly and remain fixed on top.

"Danay very excited!" She said, "Now, I'm an engineer; Just like dad! —Well, I'm already making traces on the Cartesian plane. "I'm already a teacher," she said: Victoria. Just like mom, one day I'll teach! "Oh, I'm hungry for cookies. Mom," she said: Danay. You bring me: Some cookies!

- "Better than that," she said. "Father." Let's all go to the study room. There: While we watch the video of the project: "Ideas that when Dreaming: awaken". We tried cookies with milk. -Let's go!!!

Reorganizing everything is the reason for being of your parents and activating the task is of the children. Healthy children are active children. Children treated with tenderness are efficient children who are committed to work within the home and more to group study tasks.

You can end the day with an improvement goal to develop the next day, at the same time you will notice that the affections for family achievement will be so daily. Teach your children to formulate daily, weekly, monthly goals; and help them and guide them to undertake to evaluate to recognize the difficulty, the opportunity, the capacity develop, congratulate them and overcome with them the challenges of each day