It's the Dragons. What do we have to deter?

During the week there was talk of unruly butterflies, starfish, flowers for mom, squares to count to four and circles to love us again, airplanes that explore the world, octagons to count to eight, of Don Sarro the lying Comedient, of the Lord Octopus, the spider loses teeth, the dancing princess ...

- And you, reader friend — cartoonist, writer — illustrator: You already have Ideas that when Dreaming: Wake up: No !? Then: Make one, Send it! And you will have imagination for life, creativity for social work, and shared learning in the Family.

Charly. "Known by his daughters, as: 'Geniochey', 'Charegoy'; the first because he was the inventor of stories based on ideas and the second, because he always did things alone ". White-skinned Hispanic, and with common sense, he dazzles in his work in the education sector. Introverted but pleasant focused on future possibilities, he uses intellect and logic, he is very organized and ready to make decisions. Although with a complex and serious attitude. His lifelong purpose is the idea of building a virtual course, which regulates our character while learning as a team.

Thus, he experiments with "emotions" in his family environment, leading him to explore the real world. In pandemic time; he redefines his purpose by developing the virtual course that is a bestseller in his home. Thus, Pastor Bierny takes the lead, —who, although he has a testimony: strong, ministerial; he has lost everything by faith. Recognized his work, he sells the course, from his locality and for the whole world. So his family is happy, prosperous and a manager of educational innovation.

One day there was a loud knock on the door, it was a small but repeated knock; While, in the distance, the sirens of a police car could be heard. Danay unintentionally, leaning out of the window, saw where the noise was coming from and was her little classmate from kindergarten, from the kindergarten school; he was pale and tearful and brought: his teddy bear: Yog, —the one that, after saving, with Victoria, they would have bought for Uriely.

Danay immediately went down the stairs with Victoria. Plus Papa Charly, he had already opened the door and let Uriely in. Closing the door, they called a family reunion; justified by arrival: "expected" from Uriely. —Of course, Mama Carini and Papa Charly had given their daughters a warning: "In case the situation of Uriely's family gets extreme," they would have to help, since Uriely was their first cousin.

His brother and his sister-in-law were in the process of divorce and extreme things, due to the multiple lawsuits and complaints on both sides: "Uriely, I would come to live with them for a while."

They took out, from the house across the street, "some paramedics" on a stretcher with what appears to be Uriely's mother, while other policemen took his father in a police patrol.

Dad, Charly, as part of the Presbiteryan Church Family Counseling Team had listened to the testimony of Everly, Uriely's father and began to relate to his wife and his daughters and holding little Uriely in his arms Carini. Who had already stopped shaking and with his short seven years: "he had to experience the abrupt separation of his parents." The girls discreetly left the place and took Uriely to the mountain house to play. —While his parents engaged in the following dialogue:

Bierny's testimony.

Charly told his wife Carini:

He looked through the keyhole, —it was not the first time—, I managed to discern the entity: "That, cockade the body; and makes the hairs on the arms stand up ". It was the same thing that appeared the afternoon we were together with Mielsy; When at last, I made her totally mine! - "My stomach turned, I craved vomiting, blurred my vision and a strong dizziness that almost made me fall" -. But: I was happy!

Why does she appear again, if we are distanced, virtually separated; even she got engaged again. She has new children, she did it herself after she became a professional. When she cursed me: Forever !? Indolent of me! I can't love anyone else: No? Well, nobody else was interested in me. Even my children who stayed with her despise me and I only see Ashley every few ten years; in Klaudy's case, twelve years have not seen him.

Only this time, I'm the one interested and I like Mielsy, and that's why that thing watches over me and disturbs my happiness. It absorbs my desire and seeks to contradict what I feel and changes my mood and this state, limits to be able to express what I feel and sure: "It will induce such discomfort that it will make this new couple move away too." My God: Enough! "Help me for my son Uriely."

Bending the knees: I implored divine help, the creator of all. He will come to my aid. He will respond through Pastor Bierny's mouth. I am going to go see him, after the fast today, Thursday, twelve and this time: I will win! The spiritual strategy taught at the Tall

er: Ideas that when Dreaming: Wake up! Focused, on spiritual things, I will put them into practice. —Thirty minutes after starting the first sentence and between chants I was trembling and with my lips between numb, I was asleep. It was an ecstasy the other servants talked about.

- A voice spoke to me while I saw some indescribable scenes: "Behold, I throw her in bed, and in great tribulation those who commit adultery with her, if they do not repent of their deeds. Revelation 2:22" —What I later experienced was a great weakness, and, —they say I slept until the service was over—. That they had to lay hands to wake me up.

- But, what shows, this presence itself. He wondered: Everly. The indicative is an entity or spirit of adultery. I mean, she was cheating on me. She was unfaithful to me. So dragged into her crime: she could destroy my reputation and she did. —And just: Marrying me !?

At night I had a dream, —in a certain way you feel a consolation, despite the shame and humiliation, "being the laughingstock of the congregation" - because before, I would arrive with my wife and children and everyone felt admiration: " for she sang, in the choir and later taught in Sunday school. " Now: "I spend more time in church, 'in all the services I am'; but always: Alone!" —I had no better idea than to take refuge in faith—, in the dream, I saw another vision and the voice of the Father, speaking—: "You will be freed from the strange woman, from the stranger who flatters with her words, Who abandons her partner of her youth, And she forgets the covenant of her God. For this reason her house is inclined to death, and her paths toward the dead; All who come to her will not return, Nor will they follow again the paths of the life. Proverbs 2: 16-19. "

- Finally!

- What had to be done to get out of this passionate, earthly and demonic labyrinth?

- One morning, in personal devotional time, I was reading the proverb chapter two and in its verses: ten and eleven, I agreed to: "When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasing to your soul, Discretion will keep you; it will preserve your intelligence "—Above all to highlight that this revelation began, in verse one of the same proverb, chapter two:" My son, if you receive my words, And keep my commandments within you "

- Wait: "This also means what: For the subsequent couples that you have, will that look appear through the keyhole?" Perhaps: No one will be able to marry, twice ?! —The day after the fast, they called me to pastoral counseling, when they told what was said, praying they answered: Yes! And not! As long as one of the two lives. Read Romans 7: 1-3.

"God, now: what about Mielsy?"

It was the longest thirty minutes for these parents aware of family situations in dysfunctional homes. But the children had fun, until Mama Carini, going to look for them, kissed and hugged them and asked to come and sit at the dining room table, since she had prepared a fruit salad as a mid-morning appetizer. —Papá Charly, meanwhile: "he made the corresponding calls, to the leaders, for the commissions established in these cases.

The afternoon passed according to the weekly schedule, plus the slogan: "Uriely", which consisted of "taking care of him", managing to distract his sorrows.

- And when night came: they all went to sleep.


Half an hour later: Pop! So ton you ... Ha Jo ho ...

"No oh!" It sounded like a prolonged and more heartbreaking blow at the end….

"Let go of Daddy!"

-No! Hit him ... Please ... Mom ah!

Uriely, not only that night, but for several days, even in the middle of the day, was lost in his inner reasoning and cried, furrowing his eyebrows and clenching his fists. It was like a state of helplessness and rage, of discontent and great fear, for he found him sometimes trembling and crying inconsolably.

"It's the Dragons. What do we have to deter?" Danay whispered, covering her head, and turning on his flashlight, under the covers. He implored God for Uriely and begging for mercy… between tears, and almost imperceptible chants, he fell asleep.

Charly had run to hug Uriely, and he practically made him sleep in his arms, then came back checking the girls' room. In the living room, Carini prayed silently based on a verse in Psalm 8: 2-3

"From the mouths of infants and those who suck, you founded the fortress,

Because of your enemies

To silence the enemy and the vengeful. "

Then they continued the meditation and prayed for God's intercession in this extra-family process.