I love my current life, immersed in virtuality

Social networks come first in family networks.

The virtual is measured quantitatively, regardless of the format to be shared; be this text, image, audio, video, sound; or a mixture of those mentioned.

In family networks, the exchange of face-to-face information allows a change, reinforcement or resizing of temperaments, character, behaviors, knowledge… it allows us to differentiate ourselves and identify ourselves from each other.

Man is molded by man. If he is a bad individual he will produce by imitation or influence another bad being.

In the case of a father, dedicated to the improvement of his family, the achievement is sons or daughters, reflective, conscious and constant in his actions; thinking beings, analysts of reality and persevering until finding solutions. Quoting:

"Instruct the child on his way,

And even when he is old, he will not depart from it. " Proverbs 22: 6

Danay, was the one who received the most from this time of peaceful coexistence, although at the limit of chaos due to errors that the older ones accentuate, extreme and destroy ... and although compensation is possible, some indelible traces remain.

The human being keeps the "negative" things, and consciously or unconsciously repeats the lived process. Fatality is having bipolar or double personality traits ...

Uriely, a man in the body of a child. He has known how to exploit his dysfunctional world ... a negative father in the sense of sharing quality time and a mother until now undefined ... who comes from a marital failure.

Innocently, Uriely wanted to teach a lesson and unconsciously wanted to hide his mistakes and create an illustrative plot; as a serial criminal leaves clues, unfathomable to adults? No! For Danay, a virtuous woman in the body of a girl.

A great discovery, while Uriely is the archetype of the hero, Danay is the faithful reflection of conservative, prepared and loving parents. Danay's character has been forged in the process of family networking. We would say that she matured as she lived through the experience.

Vicky, was expectant of the performance of her younger sister. Quality of good intra-family relationships. An older brother often acts out of family instinct as a caregiver for his younger siblings. This ability favors the family climate, as it lightens the burden of parental vigilance when the family is large.

Friends like Gerardy rose to the occasion, and of course the loving and opportunistic ones: Rebeca and Akku, found barriers, but managed to adapt to the circumstances and take advantage of the events.

Mielsy and Everly. Strengthened in the end materially, they do not cease to be, in a certain way, guilty of the deviations of his son Uriely, how did he learn to take what is foreign? Why did you want to teach an unknown and dangerous criminal a lesson?

From Carini and Charly, moderators of change. Facilitators of family restoration. Functional, for themselves, and for their daughters. Adaptive and host. Loving and Committed.

They postponed their own lives, activities with their daughters, opened their home to a new tenant and more teachers ... they put aside their own interpersonal desires to take care of their fellow men.

If they had not done the efficient work with their daughters, their effective action would not have borne the fruits as explained in the preceding chapter.

Akku is the revelation, the outsider in history. I will feel very comfortable writing more anecdotes about his relationship with Gerardy, I can already see myself writing about the proposal, the bachelor party, the wedding itself, his first child ...

I am happy to love this book and to give a lot of love to the characters, to make each and everyone a protagonist of at least one chapter from time to time.

I want to investigate life in other countries, I have in mind, for now, to talk about Chile, Ecuador and Canada in the American continent and India, the Philippines and Singapore ...

The idea is to meet other authors and invite them to give a slogan to rewrite a chapter with the author's own name.

So in the dialogue through Discord, I will know how to inform myself and make known the drafted chapter.

Going back to the threading of the book ... I don't remember, at what moment did I mention in the writing about the mafia and about drugs ...

I don't understand if it was Uriely or Danay, or Akku or Everly who flooded this work of that theme ... Can you mention how it was ...?

Virtuality is not eventuality.

Real life has inspirational moments.

Virtuality requires a methodical planning, you have to put yourself before the facts ... that shows us the functional family made up of: Charly, Carini, Danay and Vicky.

Real life is circumstantial, we were defined that it is so, the dysfunctional family made up of Everly, Mielsy and Uriely.

The adventurers and adventurers are: Gerardy, Rebeca and Akku.

Living free of commitments is living uncontrollably?

Not always… it is living properly maturing or waiting for the signs of destiny.

I want to rewrite my songs, to the rhythm of the life of the characters, or rather I will create characters, which are inspired by the rhythm, text or motivation of one song or another.

I would like to write four books at a time, and I am managing to do for two books, some books require fewer words per chapter, the goal is 500 words at 1,500 per chapter.

Although today I decided to put all my books together in one, so I will make a total reissue; and then I'll divide them again; as they ask to analyze and synthesize at the same time and to extend again ... or contract ...

The grammar still does not concern me, I am in the production stage and I will prefer to pay a professional revision ...

I have managed to change the route of my thoughts ... from living years as a Westerner, now I want to immerse myself in Eastern thinking: classic as well as contemporary.

A Latino is known for being friendly, hard-working, and innovative. I will never stop being like this.

However, I need to update my emotions, to be a globalized man, with a worldview through reading and writing.

Family networks, "which I now lack", are by consensus, with few face-to-face talks and many other virtual ones.

I love my current life, immersed in virtuality, but growing in real life ... that's why: I write and then I illustrate ideas. Or based on a drawing I create a character and from this the story that they read today. I am focused on giving talks on writing, reading and illustration.

I would like to see every reader being a writer and every writer being an illustrator.

Apparently until the previous chapter a cycle was closed in the family life of Carini and Charly ...

The change occurs in Danay who has managed to mature in contact with his cousin.

Danay. He has shown leadership skills… he practically led his family to victory, for he was the one who found the solution.

She is a hero of less than ten years ...

You were like this in your childhood, quoting:

“And it came to pass that three days later they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors of the law, hearing them and questioning them.

And all who heard him marveled at his intelligence and his responses. " Luke 2: 46-47.

We must not make comparisons; but a reader-writer-illustrator has an improved profile for the present world context.

I know because all my life I did those three things.

I hope my readers will do the same after reading this chapter, at least I define what was said, by the other thousand readers-writers-illustrators on WebNovel.

It is the best life experience, living with wonderful people, dedicated full time and part time; contemporary intellectuals, international historians, thinkers with multiple intelligences ...

I think the next phase is to continue talking about life in childhood and adolescence ... it will be difficult to know how hormonal changes occur, thinking and acting in a woman at that age. The technique I use is professional information, a psychology book or I just have to read reference works.

The fantasies, the fantastic realms, the histrionic characters… they are leading me to daydream.

In this month of January, I have managed to conceive up to two works with that context, only informing myself of that subject through the writing instructions: # 30 and # 158, among others.

Practically my world, that of a writer began in a Facebook FanPage, in a group and in its respective profile with a controlled universe of up to 5,000 users.

With Wattpad, I achieved the Canadian dream… because from there I managed to transmigrate to WebNovel and reinvent myself. Here I am: Philosophizing the chore. Paraphrasing the activity, like a pause to converse with oneself, as in a monologue.

And of course, it is also an interpersonal, because I am writing to you, my friend. If you liked that story, you are understanding why it is by reading these lines.

I hope in a year to quote this writing again and republish, perhaps you will find something similar in each of my books ...

I will try to put the names of the friends that I summon to consign to write new chapters ...

I will look for inspiration in the looks at the books, in each review I write, I will write them down and I will inquire about the authors. How many pages of their books do they read? How many hours in a row? How many days without blinking ...? What do they draw? What do they illustrate? What do they photograph of themselves and others?

I want to note that I met many people personally in each class I gave in public and private schools ... that the pages of living I am citing in the odd chapter of an unusual book.

He mentioned that I met thousands of people on the internet long before the social networks in the environment of e-learning or teaching - learning via the internet. Between 1997 and 2009 ... and until today.

I have lost many of them regardless of whether they were friends or not.

Many of them are missed and appreciated.

They were like tree leaves on the road that gave shade when I stopped and looked at the horizon ... but when the sun fell at sunset ... it also blurred n the smiles, the jokes were kept quiet and the songs were forgotten. More than one heart cried, mine more.