do you dare to illustrate your experiences ...?

"Hello, Charly ...

"Hey, and that greeting ...


"Sure, come: love, what bee bites you for honey?" Charly, sitting up, stepped forward to meet Carini.

"Hey!" Get on with your stuff. Do not get distracted. Is nothing! —Already Charly, he had surrounded her by her waist and with her gaze he was flirting with her.

-I know you. Let me try: What the bee left you.

"Charly ?! Control yourself.

-How? If I saw you go out and I know you went to see the children. Something happened that motivated you to come looking for your handsome husband.

-Yes. The children started a topic and I talked to them, about how we had the first b ...

"Ah!" That was… Me: (hugging her a little more) How did I forget! You allow me to remember again: As in these last weeks we lost a bit of intrapersonal experience: Between, You and Me. (mush…)

"I missed you, doing that ...

-Yes. We need time for ourselves.

-Calm. Let's focus on praying, teaching, and caring for the children.

-So is. A great victory to have recovered the family; and having won Uriely's heart.

Carini is a woman of great virtues, prudent, chaste and conservative. And she sometimes looks for affection in her husband, because she knows that he has never denied it and that she will give him as much love as before.

"I think you should drop this."

"It's a blessing, as if we had a third child."

"And Already Grown Up!"

"Is it how we would have liked to have it?"

—I mean the Cartesian plans and techniques to make mandalas ...

¬ — The boys have already grown up, with more real drawings and illustrations, with more body, as if they will interpret themselves and talk about their realities.

—You did a great job with them: Charly. They have already matured in their games.

—But not us, I mean we're not that old, we have to renew the methods, the didactic strategies, innovate again.

"I think I should go out one more time to buy, but this time more technology."

-What do you have in mind.

"Bringing father and son together this time."

"And I'll ask for a trustworthy deal from you."

"How much is it this time?" What will you buy?

—Help me in the final decision, I explain:

—Option “A”, for $ 200, purchase a graphics tablet with a stylus.

—Option "B", pay $ 100 to a digital drawing teacher for a course at home, for everyone, and then buy the graphic tablet ...

—Since it is the notion of drawing by hand to illustrate by digital tablet. Option "B". Let's not rush the times of self-learning and co-learning.

"I trust what, you can handle this as you have been doing up to now."

—I have weakened seeing how two little ones grow in great strides.

—So, you buy for adaptation and you put a mixed schedule:

a) A time to put the idea on paper or draw.

b) A time to digitize by photographic capture or scanning.

c) A vectorization time, from step b.

d) A time to paint.

e) A time to present to the class.

—Each one must have her participation, with an interval between one shift and another. And it must be Interday.

—Don't forget to quote to buy, stools and a collection of colors or it would be better with tempera.

"I'll only buy one and I'll make the rest based on that model." By the way I take advantage of the assembly of the same as an additional DIY session.

-How good!

"Good afternoon, Uncle Charly ..."

-Champion! How nice to see you again. Look at yourself: How much have you grown?

"Dad, allow us a consultation."

—Tell me: Vicky, what do you offer them?

"She'll tell you: Danay, she's the spokesperson, and the one who had the idea." She will know how to explain it better.

"First, we need permission to watch other channels on the cable."

"We need to see older drawings." We would say that they are not for me, who is 9 years old, but for Vicky who is 11 years old and for Uriely who is already 13 years old.

—I think I understand, expose your ideas with examples ...

—Uncle, Charly, you remember the illustrations I made that allowed Danay to find the solution.

"Oh, Uriely when will you learn to negotiate, you kind of overdid yourself." I already explain better to dad.

- Mom already saw them, in the morning; and they are these drawings of a king of nature. Before we will make a prototype in clay and with leaves that fall in the patio or better we make of embossed paper and paint with tempera.

"Let me see," Charly asked.

"What a fantastic idea."

"It's a fantasy world, Uncle Charly."

"My big and little Danay." How much creativity!

—And since it is time to go to the study hall, the three of them expose their points of view, while we watch the channel together that of "great little ones."

"Mama Carini, will be the evaluator of her venture."

—Also, we have an announcement to make regarding your work. We are going to support you!


—I'll catch up, I have to bring the appetizers for the afternoon tasting.

-Do not be late. We must not make them wait too long, they may lose their ideas ...

—Expose, Danay:

"Dear parents, sister and cousin."

—The world suffers from the pandemic and what caused it? The contamination of man!

—Because of this and as you can see, Vallemar has been created: The Paladin of Ecological Justice.

—Please look at the sample sheet or sketch for a minute; tell them that he Vicky made him sick, and Uriely painted; I made the first strokes.

Explain, Vicky:

—As my partner mentioned to you parents, sister and cousin, I expand the information.

"Against King Dalemar, four enemy kingdoms will rise." I pass them the sheets that illustrate their characteristics or physical features. Any contribution to improve will be well received. Thank you very much for your attention, in the time of the questions I will expand as I said the above. Do not forget to write down on the back of each sheet of Vallemar's enemies, your comments.

State, Uriely:

—I would have wanted to be the creator of this fantastic story and even more so of the protagonist of the story: The great King Vallemar ...

—However, I have conceived the backgrounds of nature and for this we used up to 9 shades of green, 3 of yellow, 7 of light blue and 4 extra colors for shadows, including black ...

—Of course, I will stop watching violent videos and that I will remain as calm as of today, to be able to join your classes following the example of my other classmates and my excellent teachers.

It is all I want to expose for today. Thanks.

-Applause!!! Of all those present ...

It is time for Coffee Break, and then the indications of the teacher Carini will come and we will see the video of: Cartoons?

"Dad, it's a chibi-type Manga ..."

"What channel?"

"Better, here you have control Uriely, show us where he is ...

(Keep going…)


Thirty minutes later after the break and tasting ...

Exposes, Carini:

—A stage of transition children, I repeat: from childhood to puberty and / or adolescence… What do I say? They are so small physically and great at the same time in the way they see things in their mind.

—Remember that Danay, follows in your footsteps ...

"But if she was the one with the idea… How did she do it?"

"I'll tell you," Charly said, "the women in Mama Carini's family mature faster, unlike the men in your father Charly's family."

—I imagine the world applauding, his first illustrated book, this via social networks or entertainment channels, which are very fashionable today.

—The drawings and backgrounds will be done by the three of you, who will be from now on, the Creativity Team, level: “illustrated ideas”. Papa Charly and Mama Carinni, we will be the Team, level: "reader-writer script".

From her seat, Danay raised his right hand, which means giving an opinion with another idea that reinforces what was said.

—Tell us Danay, what a significant contribution you share.

—To all form a third Study Team, as well as today to discuss each page made in the week.

—That was missing: "write down your work schedule," which Papa Charly will explain to you next.

Explain, Charly:

—Consider that there are stages of arduous work and a lot of pre-production work (hand-made sketches), production stages and post-production stages.

—We have considered acquiring creative support instruments.

"I show them."

—Carini, you can go to the PPT (PowerPoint) on the projector screen.

—Slide 7, Creative Purchases and Acquisitions:

—A Graphics Tablet and a stylus, with its HDMI level 2 cable.

-Dad! Mother! What a brilliant choice and unbeatable support for the artist.

(Applause and hugs and jumps and screams and even tears of joy ...)

And of course there was more in that historic presentation, the girl and the proclaimed adolescents, they would never forget that day.

That night when he went to bed, in Danay's mind: “Vallemar crossed borders, visited valleys and immersed himself in swamps that were portals to worlds of natural splendor”.

Uriely's heart kept pounding from the emotions of the day. His face was outlined a tender and victorious smile. Something that he never conceived before in his family environment. Even her father, Everly, and her mother, Mielsy, noticed the 360-degree change he made in less than a month ...

At Uriely's house… they added morning and day hugs as a token of wishes for family empowerment and family safety. A united family is a family that stays happy, one day, one afternoon and until dusk ...

—Vicky, she had no choice but to remember, the text of Psalm 4: 8

“In peace I will lie down, and also sleep;

Because only you, Jehovah, make me live with confidence. "

Even when lying down, her body did not stop shaking, apparently she looked safe in the family sharing, but her body had begun to have very marked hormonal changes and thoughts: like the ones she heard her grandmother and grandfather tell. And in the odd series that she saw with her parents, on family Saturday morning. "While in her parents' room."

"Charly, doesn't it come out like Uriely's?"

"One more and we go to bed, woman."

-What have you said?

-Sorry love…

"Just, I'll try, these eyes one more time ...

"The one who's going to need a Manga teacher." It's you!


"First, he looks into my eyes again and tell me you like me."

"Then you can draw, just one more time." It's ten minutes before the automatic turns off the lights and you've gone to kiss the babies good night.

"Right, thanks for reminding me." I'm coming.

-Better you I accompany, although I will do it on the day that it is not my turn.

And your reader-writer friend, do you dare to illustrate your experiences ...?