Chapter 10: Michael

"Mr. Thompson, I'll suggest you keep your hands to yourself from now on. Nina is my girlfriend and it's my duty to take care of her. Why don't you go comfort your wife to be".

I walk away sad and downcasted while Austin covers her with his jacket. He guides her outside to his car and drove her home. I stood at the balcony and watch them from afar

I still couldn't believe that Nina will replace me so soon. What of the connection we felt?. I love her with everything I have and will do everything to take her from Austin.

I walk away from the window immediately after they left and went to find my parents. I met them in the conference room at the hotel arguing among themselves. The Meltons were also there and Debbie, sat down on the couch crying. Immediately I walk in they all quiet down and turn to regard me.

" What was that show you put on, at the auction. Michael?"

"Mom. It wasn't any show. I just came back from receiving an urgent phone call to find out that Debbie has found herself a replacement..........."

" If you didn't leave, I wouldn't be stuck with a guy I don't even want to be with" Deborah counter in cutting me short.

"Why couldn't you tell them to wait till I come back. If you don't really want to jump so fast into another man's bed" I felt a sounding slap across my face and turn to see Deborah shaking with annoyance. She turns to leave without a second glance.

"Good riddance" I mutter and turn to face her father who has risen from where he sat with his wife.

"I will not have you insult my daughter in my presence. Michael!!" He points a finger at me annoyed. "We are not forcing this alliance on you. It was both consented. I will not have my daughter treated like trash by you or anyone" He turns to my father" Talk senses into your son's head or consider this alliance off". Then he storms off with his wife behind his heel.

"What was all that Michael. I thought we warned you to stay away from that girl" My father says pissed off as he runs his hands tiredly through his hair.

"Mom, Dad. I love Nina so much. I hope you understand that I'm doing all this because of you and not because I love Deborah"

"Then I will advice you to continue treating her nicely or else consider yourself cut off from your inheritance" Dad walks away annoyed, leaving me alone with mom.

I sat down heavily on the couch which Deborah has vacated a short while, mom move close as she wraps her hands around me.

"Mom, please make dad understand. I don't love Deborah and will never would" I pleaded with her

"Micheal, your father and I know what's right for you and we will never lead you astray. Nina has nothing to offer you but with Deborah your future is secure"

"But I don't love her.............."

"With time you will grow to love her. I and your father didn't marry for love but look at us now, we are inseparable" Mom tries to persuade me, I knew her mind was already made up, I turn to peck her on the cheek as I smile sadly at her.

"Thank you mom, I will call Deborah by tomorrow and apologize to her" She smiles happily as she bade me goodnight.

I walk out of the room carrying my blazer on my shoulder. Immediately I got into the lobby, Vino and Victor were waiting for me. I walk up to them.

"Hey big brother, where are you taking us tonight," Victor said climbing to me, like a little child. Vino clasp me tightly on my shoulder as well all walk out into the night.

We are currently sitting in a bar drinking, I want to get drunk tonight. I never would have believed that this would happen to me. If only I knew, I wouldn't have made that decision I took six years ago. I still can't wrap my brain around this, that Nina is dating Austin Walker. Why Austin? Why?.

"Are you alright?"Vino said sounding concerned as he noticed my unusual quiet attitude. I turn to look at him but I wasn't seeing him, my thoughts were far as I wander into the land of the unknown.

"Michael?" Vino shouted as he shook my trying to break me from my thoughts. I look at him as the tears fell from my eyes. Vino and Victor were shocked, as their hands stilled on the drinks. Even I was shocked, I've never shed tears before in my life. I was always the stronger one between my brothers.

Victor drops his drink as he came over to wrap his hands around me " It's okay, big brother, everything is going be alright". Vino also came around to hug me. I will miss them when they leave tomorrow.

"What's going on Michael?. What did mom and dad say?. Talk to us" Vino question softly as wipe away the tears from my eyes.

"It's not mom and dad" I replied as I shrug, took my drink, and sip from it.

"If it's not mom and dad, then who?" They both ask.

"Nina and Austin".

"Austin, the guy who sang at mom's charity event tonight, and Nina is the girl you love and is dating Austin. Right?". Vino asks looking at me weirdly.

"Yes" I nodded and took another sip of my drink, as it burns my on my throat, I turn the bottle around to get a look at the name but my eyes were getting blurry.

"But that's good, at least it shows that she asked moved on. It now left for you to do the same"

I glare at him, he's not understanding me at all, " It would have been easier if it was real" I shouted at him, thankful that we were seated at a secluded corner of the bar far from people's eyes and ears.

"What do you mean by is not real"

"Just that. Isn't it obvious that Austin is doing this to take revenge? First Deborah, now Nina" Vino look at me as he finally understood what I meant.

"But what happened six years ago was not your fault," Vino said

"Austin doesn't know that. I don't know what to do. She wouldn't even give me a chance to explain myself to her, not even to warn her".

"But Austin Walker is gay" Victor suddenly said, he has been quiet this while only observing I and Vino as we banter on and off.

"No, he's not gay" I raise my hands to rub my eyes out of frustration"Don't you get it. That's the only way he could get Nina to date him, on the pretense of hiding his secrets. If he asks her directly, she would have refused. He's using her kindness against her".

"But why is he doing that," Victor asked again as he uses his hand to flick his long blond hair to the back making his face come out smaller than before.

"That I don't know"

"Then what's did dad say," Vino asks sipping his drink as he sits back on his chair raising one leg on the center table.

"He was extremely annoyed. He reminded me of his warning ten years ago" I said as I also put my legs on the center table fighting for dominance with Vino's leg, he finally gives in and removes his leg while Victor laughs heartily.

"He said that?" Vino said after some time, with his mouth open. Among us three, he's the only one who doesn't fancy dad too much. But he's mummy's boy.

I shrug as I sip my drink and turn to observe the bar that we were in, not seeing or hearing anything. I could still see the hatred in his eyes when he drap his blazer on her. I'll give anything to be with her right now.

"I think I need to speak with Danny" I stood up as I walk out of the bar leaving my two brothers to stare at my retreating broad back.


"Yes sir" He answered immediately I enter the car.

"Take me to Nina's house"

"But sir………..?"

"No, but…?" I scream at him as he scrambled quickly into the car and started driving. I close my eyes as I wind down the window to let in the night breeze as he drove us to Nina's house.

I'm thankful that Deborah is spending the night with her parents, wouldn't want any drama tonight. I took the elevator that will take me all the way through.

"Where's her floor," I ask Frank when we step out of the elevator. He turned to look at me like I'm crazy.

"I don't know sir" He replied as he shrugs, his mouth curve into a smile. I know he's trying not to laugh at how pathetic I am.

I walk out of the elevator angrily into the car with Frank closely behind me. It's pointless searching through a ten-floor building for Nina. I'll just warn her when the time is right.

Frank got into the car and turn to face me, his hand on the ignition"Where to sir?".

"Home. Just take me home" I said as the car plunge into darkness.

I walk into my Villa sad. John and Emma were waiting for me as usual.

"Welcome sir," he said as he walks closer to me.

"Yes, John?" I look at him questionably.

"I need to brief you on the security situation for the past seventy-two hours," he said. I nodded and follow him into the CCTV room.

"Miss Deborah Melton was at Mr. Austin's place yesterday and " He pauses and looks at me wearily.

"And what?" I question him impatiently.

"They kissed and were making out in the sitting room"

"What?. That lying bitch". " Any news on Austin," I ask him after some minutes.

"Yes," He said picking up a file from the table and scan through it briefly.

"Mr. Austin and Deborah Melton have known each other for ten years now. They met in a hospital in France"

"Why did Deborah went to France? And what was she doing in a hospital"? I ask him as I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.

"We don't have all the facts for now, but Me Austin was there due to the death of his younger sister, he has been going to France to get a prescription for his Insomnia. He was there for his regular check-up"

"Ok. Anything else?"

"None at the moment sir" He replied.

"OK. I need you to find out everything about Deborah Melton for me"

"Yes, sir"

I walk out of the CCTV room into the kitchen to get something to eat. Emma was already dishing out my food. She placed them in front of me and turn to walk out. I told her to thank you and begin to eat.

My phone ringing in my room causes me to stand up and went to pick it.

"Yes, Vino" I answer as soon as I pick the call.

"Hey! Michael. Are you home now?"

"Yes," I replied as I went back to eat my food before it gets cold.

"I've been thinking, why don't we talk to Nina, as in me and Victor. Maybe she might listen to us" Vino suggested as he dumps clothes on his bed, I guess he's already packing for his trip tomorrow.

"No that's not a good idea. She wouldn't listen, she's stubborn just like mom" I smile sadly as I remember us arguing in front of Deborah, that's why I love her so much, she's just like my mom who happened to be the only woman who always contradicts what I say.

"OK. What do you think we could do to help" He replied as he sighs heavily.

"Don't know yet. But I'm thinking of seeking Lillian's help"

"OK. That's her best friend right?"

"Yes. Where's Victor?"

Vino laugh " Are you asking me that as if you don't know Victor" He scoffs.

Victor and I are completely the same when it comes to women, we change women like our clothes. I was once like that until I met Nina. And now I regret my actions, that's why I'm in this mess now…..

"Ok. Just make sure you warn to use condoms" We both laugh. "When is your flight tomorrow"

"Very early in the morning" He replies. That means we won't be able to see each other before they leave.

"OK. Have a safe flight. Talk to you tomorrow"

"OK. Goodnight" He hung up, I abandon my food as it was already cold and went to stand at the window. Opening the blind, I gaze up into the sky. Trying badly to hold my tears. It hurt more than the first time?. It does hurt to see her in the arms of another man?.

It takes only a woman to make my whole world come crashing down. I'm no longer focused at work. It was easier when I didn't see her but now that I did is like I can't get enough of her. This feeling is new to me. I don't know what to do anymore. I try reaching out to her but she just wouldn't listen.

On one hand, there's Deborah Melton, my inheritance, and my family. And on the other hand, there's Nina Miller, my happiness and love. What can I do? I need her in my life to breathe again. To make me whole again.

I reluctantly close the blinds and went into my room to sleep as the alcohol in my system was already taking a toll on me.