A Friend To Remember

"Can you please stop following me" Hennah said looking at Chris whose eyes are focused on people who passed them by

"Whatever, I shouldn't even mind you, there are still quizzes coming" she added

When the bell rang, the students then enter their respective classroom and settle in their respective chairs. The room where Chris and Hennah are in are filled with chaos and noises. Everyone is asking how to get this or that. Everyone couldn't really stay calm because of the quiz that they were about to have. Sure, it's just a quiz but for some, this quiz could determine whether they will pass or fail the said subject.

When the teacher enter the room, everyone sit straight and greeted their teacher. Some students are complimenting and praising how wonderful their teacher is, some are starting to tell their teacher about the stories that they've been hearing inside the campus, and some the rest of them are asking about the small issues and rumors that are circling around. But all of these techniques did not even waiver their teacher and still proceed to conduct a quiz.

When the teacher is not looking, some heads are turning left and right, some are facing the ceiling to look for an answer, and others are staring at their blank paper, some even fell asleep while they were taking the quiz.

Chris and Hennah are no different. Both of them know how hard it is for each other to study in their situation. While taking the exam, Chris was able to convince Hennah to share their answers to each other. When they were able to answer half of the items, the two then argue for the correct answer of a specific item.

"I told you, this is the answer" Chris whisper enough for Hennah to hear

"What!? I even think that you yourself is not sure of your own answer. Mine is the right one" Hennah whisper back to the young man

"I'm telling you this one is the right one, You're the one who asked for my answer and now that I told you, you keep asking me if I'm sure about it even though I already told you that I am" Chris said with annoyance in his tone

Their small whispers turn into loud whispers until it created such ruckus around the classroom. The two then were warned by their teacher. Some of their classmates got annoyed because they find it hard to turn their head left and right once again for their teacher is now watching them with owl eyes. But some of them are trying to hold back their laughter because of the two's dog and cat show

An hour passed and everyone let out the sighs that they didn't notice they had. Finally, an hour of hell is over and everyone were able to finish the quiz. After their teacher bid good bye and went out of the room, the students were in chaos again, reviewing each other's answers in specific items.

When the bell rang for one last time indicating that the day is over, everyone hurriedly pick up their bags and run to the field to play different sports. Finally, everyone were able to release all of their worries and problems for the day together with their friends once again. This is the great feeling of being Seniors

"Let's walk home together" Chris said looking at Hennah who's packing her things

"No thanks, I'm tired of looking at your face all day. Give some space will you" Hennah answered

"As if I also want this you know"

The girl stop what her doing and look at him with confusion. This is when Chris realized that he just lost his mind telling the girl such words. He slap his lips and smile at the girl.

"I was joking okay, don't take it seriously" Chris said and give her his biggest grin

Chris couldn't tell Hennah that it was per Rachel's request to stay with her for the whole day until the two girls meet each other at the cafe. Since it's a promise to a friend, Chris couldn't just back out. And besides, the girl seems off ever since she reach their school.

"Hey Chris, Sir Henry is looking for you. Meet him at the office" one of their classmate said and reach for his bag which is placed in his chair

Chris is again in a dilemma. Rachel's eyes yesterday is filled with fear as if she's sure that something is about to happen to her friend. If he leave the girl out of her sight for one second, Rachel might kill him.

"Didn't you hear Cyan? He said Sir Henry's looking for you"

Chris was able to return to his senses when Hennah speak to him. He looked at the girl, examining her slowly. He's sure that the girl could just handle herself if ever this day goes sideways but still he doesn't want the girl to be alone for the rest of the day. After telling the girl to wait for him, the young man run as fast as he can until he reach the faculty's office. There, he met their homeroom teacher and greet him a good afternoon.

"Thanks for coming. Here, take this" their homeroom teacher said as he handed Chris a brown envelope

"That package came in the morning. I thought it was for me so I accidentally opened it. I hope you forgive me for peeking at your privacy"

"There's no problem sir. You don't have to ask for forgiveness"

"So, your parents wants you to study back in abroad?" Sir Henry said observing his students reaction

"Ah yes, after I completed this year. My family's business is not really going well so I had to go home back in Australia to help them"

As soon as the homeroom teacher released Chris, the young man run as fast as he can back to their classroom only to find it empty. No sight of Hennah was seen. He looked around but still no traces of her. He immediately grab his bag and run like his life is on the line

As he reached the gate of the campus, he saw the girl eating some street foods, when she saw Chris walking towards her, the girl wave at him with a big smile.

"Did you know how worried I was? Why didn't you text me that you'll be waiting for me at the gate" Chris who's filled with sweat from running said while looking furiously at Hennah

"Damn man chill! You're not my boyfriend. Why would you even need to worry"

"That's because!"

Hennah was taken a back as Chris shouted in anger. Clearly, she doesn't know why the guy is acting so strange, she had a lot on her plate to even deal with the guy. Before she could talk back to him, her phone rang and an unknown number was seen in her phone screen. As soon as she picks up the call, tears run down on her cheeks.