Chapter Three

Alex's POV

The bike dropped me in front of his organisation and I let out a silent sigh. I paid the bike man and walked into the organization, my heart pounding, I was never this scared.

I wanted to climb the stairs when a man called me, he couldn't be more than four years older than me.

"Good morning sir." I greeted. He was tall, blond, broad-shouldered and also looking good. He blinked at me and I blushed.

"You look beautiful." He complimented.

I didn't smile again, it was obvious he was a flirt, he looked at me lustfully.


"I'm James Highmore, a friend of Alex who's the CEO of this company." He replied with pride.

"Ohh, that's nice, I brought my credentials, I want to work in this company but I'm scared, I don't know if Mr Alex will be willing to take me in." I said and he grinned at me.

I felt my pulse flutter in response.

"Well, I don't think he needs to look at your credentials, since you're a beautiful lady, I'll help you secure this job." He replied.

"Ohh, thank you for your help sir." I appreciated his kind gesture with a smile.

"Uhh, miss pretty, you still haven't told me your name." He reminded me and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Lisa my name's Lisa Kendrick"

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He commended.

"Thank you sir, I must be on my way now."

"No, you can't just go like that, Just give me your credentials, I don't want Alex to be annoyed that I didn't get your credentials but I'll help you get this job, I'm sure." He promised.

I handed him the documents and smiled.

"Will you like to have coffee in my office?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow in shock.

"I don't think so sir."

"Do you feel insecure around me?" He asked and I flinched a little.

"No sir"

"Call me James, I feel more comfortable when I'm called James." He said and I nodded.

"Ok sir, I ...... me...mean James." I stammered.

"Now," He said and paused. "Won't you be a good girl and follow me to my office." He added and I followed him to his office.

I sat down and looked at his office, he was really a dirty man with scruffy papers on his desk. He took two white mugs which almost turned brown and opened the freezer door automatically putting his free hand to push the large glass-covered pot on the top of the fridge...

He scooped ice into the mugs and carefully closed the freezer door.

"Do you drink?" James asked.

"No, I don't." I answered.

"Okay, so where do you live?" He asked.

I wondered if it wasn't early to ask personal questions. I pondered for a little bit.

"I stay with my parents." I answered and he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Isn't it a little bit awkward that you still live with your parents, don't you have a boyfriend?" He asked and my eyes thinned in fear.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I answered.

"I also don't have a girlfriend." He said and it turned into laughter, I was irritated but I managed to smile. "That means that we can pair, I think God made me see you first for this reason." He added.

I nodded. "Actually my parents plan to arrange a marriage for me with a rich man." I lied and he frowned.

"Do you love the rich man?" He asked quickly.

"I don't even know what I'm feeling." I answered, of course I knew how I was feeling, I felt like kicking his balls and sending him a punch in his face.

"Maybe you love his money." He insulted and I stood up.

"I don't love his money and I'm not..." I froze immediately, if I needed the job, I needed to be nice also and control the urge to punch him. "Actually, I should get going, my mom has an appointment with the doctor today and you know, mothers could be more dramatic." I replied and walked out of the door.

I ran out of the organization and heaved a sigh, it was already in the afternoon, I stopped in a taxi and slowly hopped in.

Alex's POV

I walked into the organization after I had parked my car in the garage. I went straight to my office and sat down, I heaved a sigh, I was too busy to even think of Naomi Mendel's event.

The door opened and James walked in. "Where did you go?" He asked.

"I went back home to freshen up." I answered.

"My girlfriend came here looking for a job." He said and I chuckled.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Lisa Kendrick." He answered and I let out a grin.

"Doesn't sound like she's your girlfriend, I mean I don't know her." I said and he grinned.

"Well, I plan on making her my girlfriend anytime soon, please give her this job, I'm begging you." He said and I nodded.

"Fine, I don't need to check her credentials since you want her to work here, tell my secretary to prepare a letter of appointment for her." I replied and he nodded.

"Thank you so much." He muttered.

"Anything for you man, I accidentally splashed mud on an old lady while I was coming to the office, she cursed me and ran away." I said and he laughed. "What's funny? If I accidentally see that old lady, I'll send her to jail, I still know her face." I added.

"You're lucky she didn't throw stones at your car, it happened to me once, the old lady wasted no time in throwing a stone at my car." He chipped in.

"I'm having a slight headache, it's just like I should go back and sleep besides it's getting late." I said.

"Should I take your home?" He asked.

"No, I don't want to bother you." I answered with a smile, of course I wanted someone to drive me home but I pretended.

"I'll drive you home, say no more." He said and my phone rang. The caller ID showed that it was my personal doctor, I hurriedly picked the phone call.

"Hello, Mr Alex, we have a serious issue, the woman whom you splashed mud on her dress has reported you to the cops and an eyewitness has sent the video to the public," He said and paused. "You should probably open Twitter on your phone, you're trending with the hashtag, #arrestalex." He added.

"Then fix it, create lies to tell the public, tell that I'm sick." I ordered.

"There's a problem, the woman has fainted and she is at our hospital, the public won't believe your eyes because this is not the first time this has happened." He said and my heart raced. I took a few steps backwards in shock.