
Lisa's POV

"I can't believe Kim did this to me." I said crying.

"I have to go." Oliver said as he heard footsteps outside the door. He quickly left, slowly closing the door behind him.

I looked at the ceiling and tears tickled in my eyes. I wondered what I ever did to her to make her hate me.

I couldn't hurt anyone, I wondered why she hated me so much. I didn't know when I slept off.

I opened my eyes and yawned. It felt like I only slept for five minutes. I stared at the ceiling, I managed to look at the time. It was already 9AM.

I winced in pain and struggled to escape again when the door swung open and James walked in. "Morning, my princess." He said.

He was dressed in a suit and he was holding a bunch of flowers which he dropped on the bed. "Let me go." I replied and shot him an angry look.

He continued to stare at me, watching me through his dark eyes. "We're getting married today." He said and I looked at him shocked.