Chapter 01

Somewhere in Seoul

Jennie pov.

"Rosa" I called my sister from the kitchen.

"Yes" she replied.

"Please come" I said and I heard the sound of the door.

"I'm here, Jennie, hope no problem?" she asked.

"I want to make dinner now and I found out we have no food in the house, I remember I bought a crate of eggs some days ago, I checked the freezer and we have only three left, how did you do it?" I asked.

"We ate the food till it was finished and we ate the eggs also, you didn't notice because it's been a while you eat at home" she replied.

"Uhh!" I exclaimed and rest my head on the wall.

When will my life change?.

When will I also enjoy life?.

I didn't eat at home because I want the food to sustain us throughout this month, my junior siblings have to pay for their school fees, I'm in charge of paying their school fees because I was the one that insisted they must go to school, giving us education isn't part of our parent plan.

How will they even afford our tuition fees when their salaries can't pay for the house rent?.

My dad is a driver while my mum is cleaner, Rosa and I do dry cleaning work most times to support the family, I personally do more than four jobs a day, from one shift to other.

I don't want my parent to give me out in the name of wealth, like they did to my sister.

Our parents aren't rich right from time, but instead of them to give birth to the number of kids they can nurture, they kept giving birth to us like we won't need to eat, school, and wear fancy clothes like other children, they followed my late grandma's advise which says "more children means more fortune".

My dad is the only child of my late grandparent, my grandma used to complain about having just a child because she believed if she has given birth to more children, maybe one of them would be rich and he would have helped the other, so she advised my parent to have as many children as they can because if they're blessed and one or all their children were rich that's a great fortune, but what fortune can a parent like mine expect from the children they don't give proper upbringing?.

My senior sister Sudan, got married when she was eighteen years old, it wasn't in her plan to get married earlier, we both plan to make sure our younger ones enjoy the best out of life, the three of us, Sudan, Rosa, and I use work hard to give our younger ones the best they deserve.

I started working when I was fifteen years, same goes for my sisters, we're illiterate so what's the point of staying at home.

There was a day my dad and Sudan went to work for a rich man, Sudan was babysitting the man's twelve years old son, while my dad's job is to drive both Sudan and the boy to anywhere the boy wanted to go, you know how rich people treat their children, a father and his daughter serving child.

life is full of ups and downs.

The rich man's business partner saw my sister and joke with my dad to give him her hand in marriage, my dad being a desperate father that wants his child to marry at an early age and to a rich man, took the matter setous, he collected the man's number and a day won't pass without my dad calling this man not forget he has a wife with him, our parent always say we'll get married at the age of eighteen years old.

They see us as a burden, I guess.

When my father won't stop calling this man, he decided to pay us a visit and explained that he would love to marry my sister, but she's just eighteen years, he want her to graduate from high school first.

My father said, he shouldn't worry, my sister isn't a schooler and the man shouldn't bother himself about sponsoring her, all he needed from the man is to always bring food for us, that's the only important thing we need, he said it isn't a must for us to be educated.

The man was really surprised, but who wouldn't want to grab such an amazing offer, Rosa and I have taught my sister what she will say to our parent, we taught her to disagree then we'll also support her, but unfortunately, my sister agreed to marry a thirty years old man, in the name of reducing the family burden, she said in as much as the man will cater for us, she doesn't care about what the place held for her, she left with the man that day.

Her husband did as my parent wished for six months, we have sufficient food at home, but he hasn't given neither of us a dime.

After my sister gave birth to her first child, everything changed, her husband would beat her, disgrace her, reminding her that her parent doesn't collect anything when he came to take her.

It was her father that begged him to marry her.

Our life has been difficult right from birth.

"Jennie" Rosa tapped me.

"What have you been thinking about?" she asked.

"I wasn't thinking about anything, Rosa you know what" I said.

"What?" she asked.

"Fry the egg and you guys should eat it, I will go out now to look for any quick job I can do, I will get some foodstuffs when I'm coming back" I said.

"What? you can't go out again, it's late already, please let's just manage the eggs" she said.

"We can't, my dear, if we manage tonight, what will the kids eat tomorrow, they can't go to school with an empty stomach" I said and she sighed.

Rosa pov

My family's situation always breaks my heart, my sister can't eat, sleep, and take care of herself just because she has to think about us.

Though we're both working, but hard at least I use to sleep when I felt tired while Jennie can't, our parents are just giving birth to us, they don't care how we survive, mum and dad are inside resting after just a job a day, Jennie is here still thinking of going out to do the sixth job because we need to eat, she's making money but it isn't enough.

"Rosa, I will right back, it's just some minutes past eight, I will be back before 10pm" she said and ran to our shared room, took her thick sweater, and ran out of the house.

No one will eat until she's back.

I went in and met dad and mum, laying on the bed.

"Mum, dad!" I called, no response, I don't think I have time to waste, I went into the kitchen and took a stainless spoon and plate.

"Mum, dad" I shouted, hit the plate and the spoon against each other, and intentionally threw them on the floor, they made a huge noise, and they both flung up.

"So you people can sleep when my two sisters are out there facing the hard side of the life, leaving like an orphan, you both lay down here after just a job a day, if anything happens to them, you'll never see my happiness ever again, and don't forget my warning, if you get any unwanted pregnant I will kill the child by myself, I hate being the member of this family" I said and stormed out.

I don't need their response, there's nothing good that can come out of their mouth.

Somewhere in Jeju


I sat on my bed with a cup of milk and a pack of chocolate by side, my right hand is for the chocolate and milk, while the left hand is for the phone I'm pressing.

"Guys, how about we go to America for a some days and return before the examination period?" Louis asked in the group chat.

"I was thinking about that also, I need something I can hold onto, I really wanna have a break from my mum's trouble" Mike sent.

"Mike, you sure?" I sent.

"Hey crazy, don't try to tease me again or else you won't like your face by this time tomorrow" he sent.

"Duh!. I'm not coming to school tomorrow, I want to be with one of my babes throughout tomorrow" I sent.

"Are you serious bro? let me pay you a visit then" he sent.

"Don't spam the group chat already players, call yourself" Austin sent.

"What would you say before, Mr single" Mike sent.

"I'm not the only single guy here, Tan is the only person that's different from me, you see the remaining three of you, we're in the same category" Austin sent.

"We aren't in the same category because I have someone I love, but you, do you have feelings at all" Louis sent.

"I have feelings, it's just that I haven't seen someone to capture it" Austin sent.

"Your cold attitude towards other people apart from us, won't let you see" Louis sent.

"Whatever guys, don't pick on me at all, Louis, tell me you're not going to America because of that girl" Austin sent.

"Of course I will check on her, to know my fate, I know she's mine, so I don't want to rush" Louis replied.

"Tan, you're not saying anything, and you're reading the messages" I sent.

"I don't know what to say, I'm just thinking of how much I will miss my girlfriend" he sent.

Mike sent a shock emoji.

"That's why I hate love, you can't do anything without thinking about how your girlfriend will feel" I sent.

"She won't feel too bad, bro. We're going to America, be prepared. Good night everyone" Austin sent and the group chat went silent.

"Young master, mum said you should come down for snacks" I heard our maids voice.

"Tell her I'm not eating, I ate some chocolate already" I told her, and she left.

"She said it's your favorite" I heard her voice again.

I stood up and walked up to the door, I opened it and there she's standing like a combatant.

"Ariana, aren't you tired, just go, I said I'm full. If you come back consider yourself fired" I said sternly and slammed the door on her face.

We're going to America, I need some nice clothes, mum and dad should get ready, to give me extra money.

I'm their only child and they gave birth to only me because they want to the best, same as my friends.

Our parents are rich and they're ready to give us whatever we want.

Even Austin that was raised by a single mother, is incredibly rich. The five of us are well-known, we're generous, we aren't so friendly, but we are different from Austin.

Austin is always cold towards people except us, his friend but when you get to know him he's kind.

"Darling won't you join us? dad is here also" my mum said entering my room.

"Argh! Mum, I'm fine, I ate chocolate just a while ago, let's go downstairs, I need money" I said and stood up from my bed.

"How much do you need this time around, let your daddy rest" my mum said.

"Why don't you just hand over your credit card to me, because dad is gonna do the same" I said.

"You know where it's and you know the code, what next?" she replied.

"Thanks, mum" I said and peck her.

Now it's dad's turn.