Begging for change

I backed up scared.

I've never seen him like this.

I looked for my bag,

I needed viper

"you ..I gave you my all and you...,you never accept me...,never acknowledge me as your husband...I will teach you woman!!you have no one except me...,no one cares for you but me dont you see?"

I hugged my knees into my chest.

his words stung.

I had only knickers on.

I felt utterly humiliated and vulnerable.

"please Khalid stop-_"

he picked up his belt and held it midair ready to strike me

"do you know how humiliated I was...,my mum beat me every time I came to your aid...,I took the pain khali believing you were my queen but now I see you have no heart"

I held my hands up.

he dragged me up

and began to lash me

I screamed

"why?....why Khalid?

i thought u love me...,stop please...,I'm sorry khalid

I won't do it again,

I'm sorry"

he stopped but slammed my naked body on the bed

"you will do as your told DO YOU hear ME?

I'm not your lapdog anymore,