
Next evening

"Hud I get you but he's my husband,

he made a huge mistake but Rachel REALLY messed him up"

hud sighed

"whatever cuz if you insist... but you know where I am.

uncle sameer wants to see you tomorrow ok khaldi?"

I shrugged

"ok I'll be there"

Later that day....

I arrived at uncle sameers around seven pm .

"Assalamu alaycom ya binti khyfa haluki?"

I replied smiling at my uncle

"Wa alaycom salaam Ana bi khyrun wal hamdulilah "

We walked in the familiar hall I have so many memories here.

to his homely lounge,

he sharply said.

"Speak binti....I don't understand why you're staying with that lunatic?

explain yourself..."

I squirmed at his sharp tongue

never has he spoken to me so directly.

Hud stared strangely at me,

I began to regret coming.

"I' see"

I stuttered unable to awnser .

"WHAT? think I don't know about everything?

you will divorce him and marry hud,

like you should have in the first place"