
Damnius POV

Princess is 9 years old and her mother never saw her again.

It's my unrelenting sin which caused this she will never forgive me if she finds out the truth.

What I did was despicable but my daughter doesn't deserve to be treated like shit.

So as I stand at their door I'm hoping for a good outcome.

Khalidah POV

I hear the door knock.

I just put suhail to sleep

He's 3 months old and the postie is late for letter posting.

I put on my scarf and open the door.

To my shock damnius is standing there.

5 years gone....what does he want.

"May I help you?"

I say formally as if I dont know him.

He moves uncomfortably

"Assalamu alaycom khalidah....ummm....I was just here to see if you want to visit princess"

I felt a deep sadness about that whole situation.

I spent years trying to ignore my motherly instincts about her.

Khalid came behind me

Looking through the gap.

He moved me aside and stretched his hand out to shake damnius's hand.