
Through a metal and glass double door, that self-closed and had solid handles for access, Marty Smith enters into the warm light of a large establishment. It was primarily for fellowship and support between anyone who walked through. The floor was of granite stone, and the interior walls were of rustic dry stone with decorated glass walls throughout. Spot lights illuminated gatherings that formed following and during activity sessions between members. However, new members could be added whenever they approached as this was not a society that excluded anyone.

Often the members of this society would go away from the centre to socialise and enjoy gatherings in very public places. People of all walks of life would meet up with members, and members would treat everyone they spoke to as if they were part of the same group. This was the life which Marty had known since becoming a young man. He took a big role in building this community, and had made this place his home away from home. He would return to this place for refreshment, peace and strength. However, the world outside this world was a difficult place to be. He had a job to fulfil, and to do it he had to travel to world much less familiar. So the story begins.