An ark of Edolane rose roughly five miles from the surface of the planet. They were shaped like elongated eggs, similar to a well known building, which the summit of could not be seen from the ground. Each one had roughly 1000000 inhabitants, and there were over 1000000 arks in total. Not everyone on the planet lived inside an ark, such as those that lived in ancient settlements that existed before a few became part of the Earthbound Realm. The lands surrounding the ancient settlements were cultivated, over millennia, into farmland and a plethora of different industries. There were also senates and administration buildings that regulated everything that went on throughout the entire civilization. There is no agreed or actual name for the civilization; however some believe that the name Edolane has its origins from around the year 10000. However, that is a small aspect of mythology and legend. Many consider exploring the history of this planet foolhardy.
Each ark had a large light that sat right in the centre. It was not only a light, but an energy source that powered the electronics in the building. The lights were large cylinders, and had a suspended metal walkway surrounding inside spherical shaped chambers. Each walk-way was positioned half way up each cylinder and hoop shaped. Inhabitants would visit the energy source for healing and nourishment. Just penetrating the cylinder from the outside, with your hand, cured any type of disease dependent on the length of time spent engaged. However, the power was immensely strong.
Each ark had all the necessary means for the survival of all inhabitants within. This included health care, suitable occupation, entertainment, silent fellowship as well as lively fellowship. At the top of each ark was an indoor garden with a glass ceiling where all the stars and planets could be observed. Each garden had a stream which flowed through an array of tropical plants and trees. Winter plants occurred in this space annually, and there were many places that served food and drink. Although a relatively small part of each ark, these areas still covered a vast area comparative to a small town.
In the year 2022000, one of the arks had the light source mysteriously shut out. For a period of one year, the inhabitants of this particular ark all either died or managed to escape. Terror swept across the immediate district before many fled from it over a period of roughly 2500 years. The land became barren and faded from memory. No-one throughout the land ever dared venture back to this area, and many debated whether evil or nature had prevailed within. Between the arks, passageways existed which stretched for hundreds of miles. However, those connecting with the fallen ark were shut off. From many miles away, on the horizon, inhabitants could see a dark structure that rose into the night sky. No longer could they see light through the glass windows on the outside. This created a widespread sense of fear that reached throughout the whole of the land. Eventually this wasn’t something that many people spoke about.