Alpha Rogue Chapter 14

A sound beating rhythmically like a drum. It held steady then as I struggled to open my eyes, it accelerated. My vision was blurred for a moment then everything came into focus. I realized the sound was my heartbeat. I tried getting up but I couldn't. Looking down, I discovered that I was tied down to a chair using iron chains. I heard someone give a grunt and turned to see who it was. I came face to face with Jared. "Hello there alpha, I'm sorry, that's me now. Damn, you recover fast. That dose was supposed to knock you out for at least three hours. You came to after fifteen minutes." he said. "What are you talking about?" I said with a voice that didn't sound like my own. "That was a concentrated dose of wolfsbane. Normal wolves don't survive the injection. We figured you being you, you know the super white alpha and all that, that it could at least make you weak enough to torture before death. I'm glad we tied you up in time."