World War 3,4 and Time Capsule

The year was 2088 it had been 58 years since the start of the world war 3.

At that time world was pulled in the middle of war and it was also known as 'war which brings extinction'.

The war started in the year 2030 and ended in year 2035 in 5 years it was like hell broke on earth and the world started to get poisoned by nuclear gases.

Many places got destroyed and people were running for their life. Migrating to safe places killing, robbing, rapping, and torturing each other.

Missiles launched in all directions. Countries were fighting with each other and creating more deadly weapons.

Some countries tried to be a bit reasonable and stop the disaster which was happening all over the world.

But they were powerless to do anything until someone launched a mass scale EMP. Technology such as cars, planes, ships, submarines and many more things stopped working. Except few military, weapons, missiles, vehicles etc. which were capable of defending against EMP.

It was enough to stop the war and remove the politicians who used nuclear weapons and disturbed world peace.

But peace and balance were no longer an option people were angry and it won't be possible to do anything to stop eruption of anger and rage any more.

New rebellions with their own agendas started to emerge from different places. It was understandable since no one was helping people, they have to depend on someone to help them and when rebellions showed up to help.

It was a bigger hope for civilians who lost faith in government and were on the brink of destruction many have seen death of their family and friends and many have suffered through lost limbs, radiation, traumas, rape, torture and many more.

The only thing which they have was their life and even that was not in good condition since they were suffering from radiation of nuclear weapons. In the end many rebel factions were emerging who fought against government and the world again was in the middle of world war 4.

Technology was still in restoration process. Government controlled the masses with false news of peace returning.

But people who were releasing the truth were also doing their best making world split in two parts government and anti-government (AG).

It was a one sided massacre since government had many weapons and tanks after one year of war the AG was able to steal 27 nuclear missiles. Which they launched on the government to finish this war and claim victory.

People died in billions only after 50 years it came to a stop since there were only a few 10000 to 13000 humans on earth and the world was in a mess. Because of radiation it was very hard to find anyone who was not affected.

In a lab filled with dead bodies and research paper there was a scientist who is known as the most intelligent person in the world. His age was 75years his skin was pale white.

Blond color hair with a mixture of white which shows that he uses dye, he has brown eyes and his height was about 5ft-7inch tall his face had green and yellow marks on his cheek and forehead.

He was wearing a helmet connected with oxygen container on his back, he was also wearing a suit which covered his body.

He was standing in front of a human size capsule which is made of silver like material. It was attached with a tube in its head and a panel outside of it on the wall.

He looked around in the lab and found a touch screen phone he made a call.

"Hello send martin to my lab tell him that he is going to enter the experiment capsule and come here after he says his goodbyes" said Mr. Eric William (Eric). After 3hour of wait a knock came from the door "come in" said Eric and martin entered.

Martin was an old man his age was somewhere Between 78 to 82. No one ever cared about age anyway since it was apocalypse so no one had time for such thing and death was quite common.

So people may be frustrated if he dies since quite a lot of money was invested for his growth no one will care after 2 or 3days.

Martin was white hair black eyes American, he was pale skinned showing the lack of sunlight since he was taken care of in lab.

Being one of few radiation free human took away his freedom to walk out since he was around 20 to 30 years old. His height was 5ft-9inch he was also wearing suit, helmet and carrying oxygen tank which was connected to helmet on his head.

"Sorry sir I was late I had to say thanks to all the people who took care of me even though I was taken care of because of me being the only one who was not infected by radiation I still feel gr-"martin was cut off in the middle of his sentence by Eric because he was impatient about the experiment.

"Stop I don't want to hear any more let's start with the experiment 'martin flame' I have been waiting for this day for a very-very long time sit down on that chair" said Eric while pointing towards a metal chair martin did what he was told.

"Now I'm going to give you some pills and make some adjustments in the time capsule which will be your home for quite a long time.

It may take few hundred to thousand years for you to get out of it. Don't worry it will be ok I will also put the latest technology which will reverse your age.

If you stay in the capsule for more than thousand year do remember that after every 1000 year your age will decrease 7 years and it may 'newer' change if you stay too long in the capsule like if you stay in capsule for 3000 year you will be able to stay young for hundred years no one knows what happens if you stay more than 3000years in the capsule.

I will also put an extra organ in your body so you can adapt to your surrounding when you wake up. It will also keep your heart active during your hibernation "said Eric while taking a breath.

Then he continued "now there are two scenarios, you will find yourself in one of them when you wake up.

First – you will wake up after all the radiation is gone from the world and the world is safe from harmful gases which will protect you from radiation if that happens find the other capsule which is in America the coordinate is ****** you can go there on your own ill prepare a map for you to use.

I wanted it to be somewhere near this place but our transport is not good enough to move during this time because of radiation" he said and took another deep breath.

He continued "second- I hope it does not happen but if it does happen this capsule will run out of fuel and you will wake up in the middle of a world which will be very dangerous and I will leave some oxygen tanks and a solar power car for you to drive anywhere you want.

You could find resources to live but if the second scenario happens do not try finding the other survivor I have left many things in this lab for you to survive I will leave everything in this lab for you but remember after 1000 or so years later things in this lab will start to crumble because even the best things can't handle the pressure of time.

Do know that some things will stay with you and I will use freezing temperature to keep them safe it will be good if you were able to walk after you wake up but it's not possible I guess….anyways I will freeze your body’s outer layer and the new organ will help you to live during your sleep any questions?" Eric said.

After Eric was done martin said "what is the probability of me coming out of all this alive?" Eric thought for a moment then answered truthfully "the probability of you coming out of it alive is 67% and the probability of you coming out of all this alive without any side effect is….4%".

Hearing this martin made a complicated smile he was not happy but also he can’t do anything.

So he shrugged his shoulder and accepted his faith Eric did few tests and some adjustments in the capsule after two weeks it was good. While this was happening Eric was thinking 'I hope you survive martin. Your survival will also decide my survival'.