When he was done with the car and put the fuel in car he removed the jacks and saw that there were many buttons in the front part of car near staring and a manual was already in his phone but he didn't want to read it so he pressed the button which looked like start button.

It was an auto gearing car so he didn't have to worry. The car started after a few tries. After few minute he turns of the car goes to the door and pushed it but the gate didn't open he tried pulling it and the whole gate came off.

He saw roots covering the place where gate was he pulled the other gate as well it fell off easily and found that the roots were covering the front.

That's why he was unable to push gates open the roots were big and strong. So he pulled out the gun and used the knife attached in it after he cut the first few roots he saw jungle all over the place. He thought 'what am I going to do now do I have to leave the car behind'.

He was skeptical about it and tried to not think too much right now and cut the roots first.

He continued to cut after few minutes he was able to see everything and found that it was a jungle but there was space a few trees away like some kind of road.

He thought 'yes now I can take the car out I just need to cut few trees I hope people are friendly in this era I wonder what has changed after more than 4000 years' he thought.

Since he didn't know how long has it been since the time Eric woke up so he assumed it has to be more than 5000 years since there are trees now. 'It must have taken quite a lot of time' he thought and cleared all the roots in an hour.

He moved outside to look around he found that there were no traces of people.

The road was made of stones, there were no traces of tires so it’s either people stopped using tires after so many years or they haven't visited this place in years.

He was thinking its first probability since the roads were clean and people may have come here. He walked towards right direction to look at the place where the road leads him.

After not finding anything in that direction for five minutes he comes back and goes to left direction. He does the same finding nothing and coming back to car he thought of ways to remove the trees.

After not finding any ways he tries to make do with knife but it didn't go well. He found it hard to cut trees and after thinking about it he thought 'why am I cutting the tree I can't bring the car out even if I cut the trees'.

He now realized his mistake that trees will fall he can't move them and finally thought of going in car and lay down for a while to think about the most efficient ways he can solve this problem.

He was getting bored thinking so he finally pulled out the manual and read it. He found that this car can go through any type of road. It has an A.I installed in it which is a smart auto thinking and auto upgradable A.I and can help him in many ways so he activated it as was instructed in manual.


There were many types so he chose normal female like voice and

"Hello user" comes a normal female like voice he started to talk to it just to check its intelligence.

"Hello so what should I call you?"

"User can give me any name" said A.I.

"Hmm what should I call you...I will call you CAI because you are a Car Artificial Intelligence in short C.A.I. how is it?" asked martin.

"it is a very good name user I like it, the name Cai is registered in data base user can ask any help to 'Cai' I will help as best as I could" said Cai.

"It's good that you like the name. So Cai I need your help to find a way to take you out of this place but all the ways are block can you give me any suggestions" said martin.

"Requires permission to scan the area for best suitable way out doing so requires a link with user's phone" said Cai.

"Hmm ok permission granted, don't ask for permission anymore and call me martin not user" said martin he knew how to deal with A.I.

Since they always ask permission to do something until you tell them not to ask for permission.

"Ok martin plug the phone with the USB cable" said Cai and a USB cable came out from the back side of the hand break near the wall which separate the front and back seat.

He plugged it and a process started.

"Hey CAI are you still here" asked martin.

"Yes martin"

"can you tell me how many unknown satellites did you find and can you gain access to them" martin wanted to have advantage in this world and A.I he have seems to be the best tool Eric gave him... 'Second best of course the best will always be time capsule' thought martin.

"No martin the energy required to upgrade system using new satellite is not enough. It's good that the connection with a single satellite was established.

You will need to either connect the phone with a place which have enough energy (nuclear batteries, solar batteries etc.) or put enough fuel in the car to continue hacking all satellites.

There are more than 6533761 satellites some are so far away that my system can't get to them.

I only know their coordinates by hacking half of a single satellite which is known as S31 it is created 600 years ago and was roaming around.

Its controls are unstable and it can collapse in some years but its controls are in the hands of a girl named 'tetra'.

The girl was able to stop us from hacking in the satellite for a while. I was able to capture a video record of the girl and found that she have three more satellites. But the language she spoke is complicated for martin and video quality is low so I turned it into the language martin uses". Martin knew this kind of thing may happen since language barrier was a big deal even in the era of war.

He heard the sound of a girl and looked at his phone "you think you can hack my system DREAM ON LOSERS. I swear I will find who you are and donate all your MC in charity let's see how you are going to handle that HAHAHAHA".

After hearing what the girl said martin had dead fish eyes he then looked at the girl. Her face was a bit blurry and the video quality was not good enough. So he asked Cai to find a way to increase the video quality.

"I can increase video quality but this phone will lose five hours of battery. It's 6months of battery is already drained from it when I hacked the satellite. Do you still want to proceed?" asked Cai.

Martin said "yes" and heard "done" from Cai.

Martin saw a blue haired girl about 18 to 20 years old. She had green eyes fair skin and a beautiful face.

Wearing green headphones covered with hoodie she was wearing a white colored hoodie sweatshirt with 2 pockets.

Something was written at her left chest of sweatshirt in some other language she was in a blue colored room the things in the room were high tech gadgets but most of them were green and blue colored there was a few robots on the back clearing the room.

After he was done checking her and her surrounding he asked Cai about the words written on her chest just to hear "it says 'I'm RICH'".

Martin had his mouth open he didn't know what to say. He thought 'is she showing off that she got a lot of money Ha-ha bad move girl'.

He then asked Cai "Cai I want all the details about that girl and yes also do find all about her family but first hack all the satellites she has".

Cai asked "martin you don't have enough batteries or fuel I can't access all the things you asked even if I used the remaining battery power"

"Don't worry I have many batteries similar to that one how many do you need?" martin said.

Cai said "8 will be enough and also martin I found a way to get the car out of this place as well as a city 69km away we are inside a big jungle right now".

After that martin continued to put the batteries in and out of the phone until eight batteries were drained and he had all the information he needed.