WAR 4:02 Trixie

“What shall we do with her?” Dr. Phillips asked, pointing at Trixie.

Anderson looked at Dr. Phillips in surprise. The thought of doing 'something' with her clearly hadn't occurred to him.

“She's one of us now,” he said. “What is there to do?”

“You've got to imprison her,” Phillips replied.

“What?” Diana said, blurting out before anyone else could respond. “No!”

Anderson held out his hand, signaling for Diana to be calm.

“She hasn't done anything wrong. I will not treat her like a criminal.”

“But you can't just let her loose among the crew,” Phillips protested.

“Why not?” Anderson asked. “You're suggesting that she is somehow a threat to the Rift?”

“She could be,” Phillips replied. “How do you know she's not a threat? She's not—”

“What? One of us?” Anderson asked. “No. She's not. She's human, more human than you or I will ever be. Does that scare you? Is that a crime?”

Trixie was silent, as was Berry, which surprised her.