WAR: 4:05 Atrium

“Hey there, sunshine,” Berry said, holding Trixie as she lay on the cold, rough pebbles.

She stirred, her eyes taking in the plants around her, seeing the light streaming through the green leaves as the trees above her swayed gently in the artificial breeze. For a moment, life was peaceful, then she moved and her body ached.

Trixie sat up.

“I was so worried,” Berry said. “You passed out in the stairwell. I thought I'd lost you.”

“The creatures?” Trixie asked.

“Gone. We've won, Trixie. We've beaten them.”

“I don't understand,” she said, getting to her feet slowly. “How?”

“We rounded the neutron star and their ship was thrown off. Our dampeners allowed us to make a U-turn in space while their inertia sent them sailing off into the distance. Sometimes, it's good to have the smaller ship, as there's less mass to deal with.”

“But what about Diana? What about Anderson?”

“What about them?” Berry asked.

“They were in the stairwell with us. Where are they?”