Worry me not

Yusuf pov

You know I'm sick of this... why should I care? let her stay in Jamaica and live her perfect life,

I'll divorce her and she is welcome to her beloved tyrese Winston,

I'm moving on

I'm through with it

just forget about our marriage.

"Yusuf whatcha thinking about?"

came Mustafa interrupting my chain of thought

"divorce to be honest"

he looked as though I slapped him

"Yusuf what you talking.....your kids?

your wife who only ever tried to be a good muslim....she affected so many people in a positive way so much so they became muslim by her hands,

Allah aids her all the time...what are you on?"

I sighed exhausted by thoughts

"I'm settled on my decision....and MY kids are on their way back trust inshallah "

he shrugged

"WHATEVER man your mad.... if I get married I hope she's half of what a wife you have...I'd be happy but fully like her VERY hard to find...your loss"

I became angry