Mahfuzah pov
Mustafa has been amazing mashallah
I'm in ICU for a week they're not satisfied with my results
so me, Jamal and jahmaine are here for a week
I'll enjoy the rest I guess,
oma i have six children and I'm petrified,
I want to move to Jamaica and I need to talk to Yusuf about this,
it's gonna be hard.
"Assalamu alaycom Yusuf....we need to talk please visit me today leave the kids with mum and dad"
he answered a little too quickly
"yes ok I'm on it...your ok right princess"
um how awkward was that
"I'm fine princess"
we both burst out laughing
"I miss this mahfuzah but I see your brother is amazing mashallah I'm so glad your happy all I achieved was hurting you "
I sighed
"Yusuf you did good we were very young and inexperienced,
I don't blame you..I'm so upset about Nura is she coping?"
he seemed disturbed
"she lost the baby because of the stress"
I ooohed and was speechless
"um... I'll come by in an hour"