Mustafa pov
What was I thinking?
using mahfuzah she was so desperate to get the boys...
I played into thier hands.
but how could I know?
that these minions were there all along?
she's the jewel in thier crown,
How could she know her family were masons?
I really don't know what to do,
I'm not good at mind games that's Yusufs territory
but he's long gone its only me and dawud,
I'm gonna take him to work raula will help.
I called mariam
"Assalamu alaycom ya ukhti...i have bad news the plan backfired.. get taharah to do mahfuzah's job pay rise of course and call Monique to see if she still wants the admin job"
she responded sadly
"wa alaycom salaam brother... I'm so sorry ......don't worry the refuge is fine....don't worry yourself calling... I'll call you IF there are any problems,
concentrate on your family,
insha Allah this situation may raise you both in rank"
I said ameen and closed the line.
Four months later...
I'm no closer to saving her