2. Magic And Swordplay

The Potions room was very much what you would expect from a sorcerers study. It had high stonewalls, small barred windows and a large reinforced door. It was in the lower parts of the school, the dungeon it was known by some. There were two rows of large black cauldrons in the centre of the room; and around the walls there were hundreds of shelves holding thousands of liquid materials, bones, feathers, teeth etc. In clear glass bottles of all shapes and sizes. Some were centuries old, but all were sparkly clean as if made that very morning.

The dungeon was a unique place; for starters it was one of only three places in the whole school where physical magic was not allowed to be used. This room had an exception for potion magic. Secondly, it was the only subject that Rogue Lee was not very good at. Thirdly, Rogue’s best friend, Kirsten Britton, was a master at the art of potion mixing. It was like a second nature to her and she cherished in the thought of being a great and powerful potion mistress in later years to come.

Kirsten worked alone in the dimly lit dungeon. The oil lamps flickered as the soft cool breeze filtered the room through the open windows. It was cold enough to give her goose bumps but she shook them off as she concentrated on the mixing of potions.

“Green Truli with red Trulo,” she whispered softly to herself as she poured a mixture of contents into a large jug, shaped like a cooking pot, “Thunder sticks go in and something for the blast,” Kirsten dropped two brightly lit yellow sticks and a large white tablet into the jug, she then reached for an ice blue coloured liquid and measured its contents with a large spoon. The large door opened slowly, heavy chains clattered together and made a loud bang as it opened fully. Chad stepped into the room, smoke evaporated from his body. He walked up to Kirsten and gave her a warm kiss on the cheek. Kirsten felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach, and the room warmed up suddenly.

“Hello Chad, it’s strange seeing you down here,” she said happily.

“Hiya Kirsten, how have you been?” He replied.

“Very well thank you, I’m working on a new formula at the moment.”

“Really, what’s that?” Chad looked around the room, he felt uncomfortable about not being allowed to use magic in there. While he was not looking Kirsten quickly tidied her hair, it was long so she kept it in three ponytails that hung past her shoulders. She ran a hand down her face, making sure it was not covered in liquid like once before. She had a small normal shaped nose and a few passing freckles on her face where finally reaching womanhood. She picked up her green triangle shaped gem, it hung upside down on brown cord and had the marking of Scenrio on the back.

“If this formula works it will be like a super strength booster for Rogue’s wind capabilities. Power that can reach a status only the creature of death she keeps talking about can summon,” Kirsten sounded pleased with herself. She placed the gem in her bag.

“Sounds extreme,” smirked Chad.

“Indeed,” replied Kirsten, “Here, warm this up for me,” Kirsten passed him the ice blue liquid she had now poured into a small beaker.

“I’m not allowed to so much as breathe in this place you know,” said Chad matter-of-factly.

“Look at the smoke coming off you. Think it’s a bit late for that. Once more won’t hurt. Please? For me?” Kirsten fluttered her eyelids.

“Okay, okay, I’ll do it,” Chad’s hand holding the beaker suddenly ignited, “How hot do you want it?”

“Till it turns orange please… But not red!”

Chad looked down; it was already a matching dark orange like his hand. The flame blew out and he put the beaker down.

“Well, your skills have certainly improved since…” Kirsten paused; she went into a deep thought.

“Since when?” Asked Chad curiously.

“…Since the start of school,” said Kirsten quickly.

“Thanks Kirsten,” Chad stuck his chest out, another proud moment for the fire wizard.

“Looks like you won’t be needing a boost from my formula’s then,” laughed Kirsten.

“A boost?” Asked Chad, “For me?” He imagined what it would be like to produce more fire. Creating a lava-fuelled shield, a bow that rained down fire with a single shot, he would be invincible.

Kirsten could see that he was fantasying about it, “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea,” she laughed.

“I’ll help you make it,” he said suddenly.

Kirsten choked, “What?”

“Right after you finish Rogue’s,” said Chad excitedly.

“Umm… Ok, it’s going to be at least another week though,” said Kirsten nervously. She remembered all too well the lecture Headmistress Avforin gave her and all the other students five years ago.

‘…Don’t do anything to encourage Chad’s volcanic powers. Such magic is a dangerous art and can lead to the destruction of himself and others around him, especially those closest to him…’

Headmistress Avforin had given all the students lectures and lessons throughout a single day making sure everyone understood Chad Wizardman’s capabilities and the effect the burning ball of fire in his chest was having on his mind.

“That’s ok Kirst, I can wait,” Chad’s face beamed, “By the way, are you going to the next tournament? It’s been moved to this weekend.”

“This weekend? Wanting to get your victories done earlier are ya?” Asked Kirsten, “I’ll be there, the last one was fun.”

“Cool, I’m looking forward to it. See you then,” Chad left the room thinking about the incredible power he could wield with Kirsten’s aid. “See you Chad,” Kirsten watched him leave then thought back to St. Valentines last year when Chad made her a ‘flaming cuppa’ surprise’ as he called it; and the year before that when he pointed to the moon and drew an outline of a heart around it, and for a brief moment there really was a fire heart shape around the moon. Kirsten laughed to herself; they both still wondered to this day how that actually happened. Luckily the Mayor and the ESS stayed out of that affair. It was only two more weeks until the next St. valentines, Kirsten daydreamed of what they might do this time.

Enough day dreaming Kirst, she thought, Oh Scenrio, I didn’t show Chad my new spell for the tournament, Kirsten cursed to herself before continuing with her potion for Rogue.

* * *

Outside the dungeon, Chad whistled casually to himself as he walked down the dimly lit corridor. He repeatedly clicked his fingers to create a flame then let it die out again. He spotted a couple of first year girls who looked to be frozen on the spot. They had obviously heard the rumours about the fire wizard and saw what he was doing. He smiled and stopped clicking. He walked towards them, and as he walked past he shot his head towards them shouting, “Boo!” His hair ignited at the same time. The girls screamed and ran past him into the dungeon, he could have sworn one of them was crying. He laughed to himself and took the long winding stairs up out of the potions area. Chad stepped out onto the courtyard, there were students walking back and forth. None seemed to notice him or pay him much attention. He was not looking forward to his next study; it was with Mrs Claudio again. Chad was not sure about her; Mrs Claudio had a way of acting professionally friendly around him. It made him feel uncomfortable that she kept her distance, but always involved him in every activity the class did.

Walking slowly, Chad wondered what Mrs Claudio had planned for the study. The subject was ‘Mind play and bonding.’ Last week it was the value of friendship. This week it was probably going to be about love or romance, Chad was willing to put a bet on it.

It was the afternoon’s ‘Offensive tactics’ class that Chad was looking forward to. It was one of few studies he shared with Greg, Rogue and Kirsten. Plus their tactical skills were rated better than many of the officers in the battlefield. Chad walked gloomily through the corridor back towards Mrs Claudio’s classroom. When he reached the room he noticed that the lesson had already started without him. It did not bother him much that he was late. This was the only time each week Mrs Claudio was in a good mood. She always tried not to let late students bother her that much.

“Nice of you to join us Chad Wizardman,” said Mrs Claudio as he walked through the open door and took his seat next to Rogue, “I thought you was not going to join us this afternoon.”

Chad nodded then reached inside his desk for a pen and some paper. He looked at Rogue who had ushered him to look at the board. Chad nearly fainted when he read the big letters:

‘Love, concepts of the strongest power in all of us.’

“Oh great!” Hissed Chad rolling his eyes.

“Rogue, can you fill Chad in on what he’s missed please?” Asked Mrs Claudio sweetly. Rogue opened her mouth, “After class please Miss Lee,” she turned her attention to the whole class, “Now class, who can give me some strengths and weaknesses about love?” Beamed Mrs Claudio.

She’s loving this rubbish, thought Chad.

“Being happy!” Called little Lauran Dalger.

“Very good, Lauran. Happiness can heighten magical sense and power. Love is the strongest form of happiness,” replied Mrs Claudio with a broad smile.

Lauran Dalger looked confused, she had not thought further than being happy.

“Leverage,” said Chad sarcastically.

“Excuse me Chad?” Asked Mrs Claudio.

Before Chad could answer, Rogue stepped in, “Leverage, if you capture the loved ones of your enemy, you can have a hold over them.”

“Well… I… Err… I s-suppose that is true. Thank you Rogue. Can we have more strengths though please,” responded Mrs Claudio as she wrote happiness and, reluctantly, leverage on the board.

Nice one Rogue, that’s better than how I would have put it, thought Chad.

“Having someone to hold and protect,” said Rogue.

“Very good indeed, Rogue. ‘Having someone or something, to protect.’ That is one of the famous quotes of Scenrio. What is sorcery worth if there is no one to protect. Or nothing to hold onto,” said Mrs Claudio excitedly.

Everyone started taking notes at the mention of the quote. Chad pretended to do the same. The lesson dragged on from there for him.

After the study Chad stormed out of the room with Rogue trailing behind, “What was the bloody point in that stupid lesson? What a complete waste of time,” he punched a nearby steel locker. His fist left a melted imprint on the door. He walked away carelessly.

Rogue clicked her fingers and the locked door re-shaped itself, “You know she was talking about us, don’t you?” Said Rogue catching up with him.

“Us? What do you mean us?” Asked Chad, almost offended.

“I meant us in general, the ones of us who are going to be joining the fight next year. She was trying to give us guidance,” replied Rogue. Chad stopped and turned to face her. Rogue carried on talking, “We’re going to war Chad! Like it or not, I want to come home to the people, and the city, I love. Don’t you?”

“Well yes, I do. Of course I do. But I don’t need some bloody tutor telling me though…” Chad paused. Rogue glared at him strangely. “…I’m sorry Rogue, I didn’t mean anything by it…”

Rogue stopped him, “Oh my god Chad. Your eyes!”

“What?” Asked Chad nervously putting his hands to his face.

“They just flashed orange Chad. It was only a second, but they did,” said Rogue worried.

“Orange? How do you mean?” Asked Chad.

“It was like a quick flicker, like a flame,” said Rogue more curious than worried now.

Chad dismissed it, for now, “I don’t know what that was. Maybe my fire wanted to get out. Although it does feel warm in here, even I can feel it,” he laughed nervously.

“Ok then,” Rogue was not convinced at all, “We have ninety minutes until the tactics lesson. What do you wanna do now?”

“I haven’t seen Greg since you guys got back. Let’s go find him before class starts,” said Chad.

“Good idea,” replied Rogue, “I think he’s near the main hall. He said something about testing his skills on the Garlos pillars.”

They both walked fast down the corridor, already forgetting about the small incident that just occurred.

* * *

Outside the main hall was a large area of stone. There were two very big unbreakable pillars supporting the heavy stoned ceiling. They were made unbreakable by Garlos, a powerful magus who wanted the best sorcerers in the world to prove they were the best. Garlos put a spell on the pillars, a spell that could only be broken by one worthy of the sword. The spell was so strict that no one has so much as scratched the stone in the thousands of years that the spell has been in place.

Greg Thornton was among the better skilled students with a sword. His abilities came from strict training with Malk. Greg believed he was ready to show everyone that he was the chosen one to destroy the Garlos pillars. Younger students were stood around one pillar practising their skills, while Greg occupied the other on his own. Spectators stood round the outer walls watching expectantly. Kirsten stood at the back near a side door leading to the dungeon. She was taking a break from Rogue’s potion ready for the next study.

“One with the sword,” whispered Greg to himself, “The sword is a part of me, my body, my soul,” Greg prepared himself to strike. The pillars could withstand any attack, physical or magical, no matter how powerful. Thousands have failed Garlos’ task. He raised the sword above his head and brought it down with force against the stone, he swung the blade back up across its surface and spun round, striking the pillar as hard as he could. Dust scattered off the stone on the second blow. When it cleared Greg was disappointed to see no damage at all, not even a scratch. He laughed to himself although clearly annoyed, Just a scratch will do, he thought ignorantly, I will scratch this pillar, he was willing to prove he could before leaving the school. The students cheered his efforts as they watched his determination.

Greg hushed everyone immediately as the spectators at the back began cheering, “Can I have quiet now please as I attempt my most powerful attack yet to take out a chunk of stone from Garlos’ special pillar,” Greg did not like being watched that much, but he knew he would not be able to get rid off any of them so decided to make a show out of it.

The students practising on the other pillar had also stopped to stare at Greg’s attempt, hoping to witness a piece being removed, if only a chip.

Greg placed the sword down on the cold stone floor. He pulled out his gem from under his jumper. It was shaped like a disk and had the image of a black ancient eye carved into its front surrounded by four black stars. The stars could be used as a compass; the top one above the eye shone a bright gold colour when pointing north. He rubbed his left thumb against the engraved S sign on the back. He held out his right hand towards the pillar so it was only three feet away.

A thin wisp of black smoke appeared between Greg’s hand and the Garlos pillar. It grew larger and larger until it became a small black cloud. It reached his hand and the pillar at the same time and started to climb the unbreakable stone. The area he had just attacked was now covered in complete blackness. His hand was also now covered by the cloud. Greg concentrated hard on the stone. The black cloud began covering the whole pillar until it surrounded it completely.

The students looked on. Some, particularly the younger ones, were amazed at the sight. Greg saw at the corner of his eye Chad and Rogue joining the group of spectators that now included a few tutors.

The pillar was no longer visible behind the black smoke screen. Greg continued to hold the cloud in place. It became a solid shape, like a black screen of glass. Without looking he reached down to grab his sword. It was not the sword he picked up though. He now held a black sword like a shadowed model of the one still lying on the stone floor. It was completely black, hilt and blade. Everyone gasped as they watched him pull it out of its original structure still lying on the ground.

Greg let go of the black screen and clasped the new shadow sword in both hands. He spun his whole body round and struck the pillar even harder than before.

The sword shattered, so did the screen. Both remains of the sword and smoky screen evaporated into the air as it fell to the floor. The crowd gasped as the pillar came into view.

It was still untouched. Unmarked like the day it was built.

“Damn it,” he said quietly to himself.

The crowd cheered on his attempts regardless. They were impressed by his display and the effort he put in. Greg’s determination and skilled attack was enough for the younger students to see a very good show. He walked over to Chad and Rogue. Some of the students ran up to him to congratulate him on his effort, others asked him how he did the ‘neat sword trick.’ Tutors clapped their hands and then carried on with their duties. The rest of the students went to inspect the pillar, making sure that the attack really did not do any damage.

“Good attempt mate,” said Chad.

“Well done,” applauded Rogue, “Looks like all that hard training is starting to pay off.”

“Thanks guys. But that was not what I was hoping for.”

“Why?” Asked Kirsten as she approached.

“You have got to be one of the closest people in history to scratch the pillar. A bit more practise and you will have it,” said Rogue triumphantly.

“That’s the thing. I don’t know if anyone ever will scratch it. What do you have to do to be worthy of a sword?” Sighed Greg, “That was the strongest attack I have ever done in my life. I was sure I’d be able to break a piece of with that final blow.”

“Where did you learn that?” Asked Rogue curiously.

“Me and Malk have been working on that sword trick for months. I was surprised I managed to pull it off in front of a large crowd.”

“I liked the black smoke screen thing. That was awesome,” said Chad.

“So did I,” said Kirsten in quick agreement.

“Thank you. We’d better get going now,” replied Greg.

“We’ve got thirty minutes to the next study. Let’s go this way,” said Rogue leading the way.

All four of them walked through the descending crowd to their next lesson. No one in the school was aware of a strange visitor outside the grounds approaching the school of sorcery.

* * *