Despite witnessing the mass panic outside in the streets only moments ago, the evening seemed quiet to Rogue. She was afraid, just like the others sat in Greg’s room. No one wanted to speak.
Greg still lay in bed, battered and bruised from his ambush earlier that day. Luci sat in the chair next to him, although she did not pay him much attention. Chad sat with Kirsten on a two-seater chair. He was still flicking one of the bronze coins he had found, it was glowing with heat as he had held it for so long. Rogue took up her favourite place on the large windowsill, ‘Catching the wind.’
It was Chad who broke the ice first, he hated long silences, “You still want to try and get into those woods Rogue?”
“You are not serious about still going are you?” Asked Greg sitting up. Luci barely looked up to see her brother stir.
“I think I need to,” replied Rogue.
“It’s too dangerous. You cannot go there while everyone else is out of the city fighting,” responded Greg.
“We’ll be fine. I ain’t scared of anything in those woods,” said Chad proudly.
“They won’t let you out. Security will have doubled at the gates by now,” said Greg, “I won’t let you go. The Elites will be looking for you.”
“You wouldn’t tell them idiots,” protested Chad.
“I will if I have to.”
“Sorry Greg, but what if we are supposed to find it before the battle? You were more determined than anybody to find this Guardian. The stranger in my dream said I must find the Lumis before they attack,” said Rogue anxiously.
“In seven days he said. He has clearly got that bit wrong for a start. A war will start tomorrow. Do you really want to risk your life further?” Said Greg aggressively. He was beginning to irritate Rogue now, she wondered how Chad must have been feeling, “It’s my choice Greg. We are going whether you agree to it or not,” she replied stubbornly.
“Tell them Kirsten,” said Greg desperately.
Kirsten looked up, she tried to stay out of this conversation, “It is up to them to decide what they must do for the best. I am helping in the med unit tomorrow for the injured.”
Greg turned to his sister, “Luci?” He asked.
“I might go with them,” she mused.
“No you bloody well are not!” Replied Greg and Rogue together.
“Well that’s something we’ve agreed on,” laughed Chad.
Greg ignored Chad’s remark, “I don’t want any of you going.”
“These aren’t children’s games anymore Greg. You’re not playing leader now,” said Rogue.
“How do you hope to get over the walls? The gates will be closed now,” asked Luci curiously.
“There must be someway out,” replied Rogue, “A secret passageway somewhere.”
“I doubt there is. These walls are solid and very thick. All exits were closed off years ago,” answered Greg.
“What do you suggest then?” Asked Rogue.
“Me? I’m not suggesting anything. I think you are better off staying inside the walls where it is safe.”
“Why can’t you be on our side? We could really use your help,” said Chad uncomfortably. He was unsure whether he really did just ask for someone’s help.
“I’m not going anywhere. Malk will probably need me tomorrow morning. Perhaps you and Rogue should volunteer to help someone like Kirsten has, since the school will be closed,” Greg almost demanded they volunteer.
“Yeah, you’re right. When do the soldiers march?” Joked Chad.
“In the morning, early light I think,” answered Rogue.
“Don’t you dare think about it!” Shouted Greg, “You’re not that stupid!”
Chad stood up and faced the window, “I was joking. Chill out Greg,” he looked over Rogue’s head and saw two night birds fly past; he did not know what they were, he was not very good with small animals.
There was a long pause before Luci spoke, “How do you feel Greg?”
“Fine,” he replied harshly.
“We have made up our minds Greg. We are going to look for the Lumis tomorrow,” said Rogue standing up also, “I hope you feel better in the morning, Gregory.”
Kirsten also climbed to her feet, taking the hint that it was time to leave, “Are you going to walk us Chad?”
“Yeah sure,” he replied before turning to Greg, “See ya bud, sleep well.”
Greg sighed, “At least promise me you will think about what you are doing. I mean it, those trees are dangerous.”
“I promise whatever happens, we will be fine,” replied Rogue. She left the room with Kirsten and Chad following. Luci walked behind them to show them to the door.
Down the wooden flight of stairs Rogue studied the many pictures of Greg and his family. Like him and Luci, his mother had thick black locks; his father had brown curls. Greg’s grandparents also had very dark hair still, amongst the grey.
Mrs Thornton greeted them at the bottom of the stairs; she wore an amazing dress that Kirsten ogled at. She had always been envious of the woman’s expensive dress sense.
“You kids leaving already?” She asked sweetly and calmly.
“Sorry Mrs Thornton. It’s getting very late,” replied Rogue.
“Well ok, but be careful. I heard small mobs have broken out over the fear and tension of what’s going to happen.”
“You don’t sound at all worried ma’am,” remarked Chad.
Mrs Thornton watched him closely, “We are all afraid young Wizardman. But we cannot let our fear take over, or we will all be creating a mass mob all over the city,” she replied calmly.
“That is right Mrs Thornton. We will be extra careful outside, thank you,” smiled Rogue.
“Good luck for tomorrow,” said Luci as they left and walked into the night.
“Thank you!” Called Rogue.
Kirsten lived the closest so they walked in that direction first. The sound of marching boots echoed through the streets. They were either from the soldiers or the mobs Mrs Thornton was talking about.
“We are doing the right thing aren’t we?” Asked Rogue doubtfully.
“Of course you are,” replied Chad.
“You?” Answered Rogue.
“Hey, I’ve told you I don’t believe in this Guardian business. I’m just supporting a friend. What else are we going to do? Just sit around and hope for the best?”
“Maybe you should just volunteer to help around here. Greg told me earlier that there are some idiots trying to leave and the guards aren’t having any of it. People from our class have tried signing up to fight,” said Kirsten dramatically.
“They are just being foolish,” replied Rogue, “I meant are we doing the right thing? Chasing after a prophecy we know little about. It was not long ago when I cursed Greg for chasing this nonsense.”
“I’ll admit the timing could have been better,” mused Chad.
The trio reached Kirsten’s house in what seemed like no time at all. Chad and Rogue waved goodbye and continued walking.
“Right, time to plan our escape,” said Rogue determinedly.
“We will have to search the whole wall near the woods to find a way through. The only gate there was blocked off remember,” replied Chad.
Rogue and Chad did not notice four distraught men; a little older than themselves, appear a few hundred paces in front of them.
“We’ll wait until the soldiers march… Humph,” Rogue fell to the ground. Chad turned to her then looked up to see the four men stood in front of them, one with his arm stretched out.
“Are you ok?” Asked Chad holding out an arm for her. He did not take his eyes off the man who attacked, “Why did you do that?” He asked angrily.
“I’m fine Chad,” said Rogue climbing up.
One of the men panicked, “We are all going to die tomorrow, Souvanence will be destroyed!” He shot a red beam at Chad.
Chad dodged the attack, “You’re going to pay for that,” his hands ignited and he threw a fireball back at his attacker.
“Chad. No!” Screamed Rogue.
“It’s that stupid fireboy!” Another of the men shouted, “Get him!” All four men ran at Chad and Rogue.
Chad fired more magic. Two of the men fell to the ground while the others pursued further. Rogue used her wind magic to trip the third man up. When the last man reached Chad, he swung his arm round to right hook him. Chad jumped clear to the right and smacked him back across the cheek with a clenched fist. Sparks flew off the man’s face with the impact. He fell to the floor and Chad stood over him balancing a fireball on his finger.
“No Chad! You’ll kill him!” Screamed Rogue.
“So what! He deserves it!” Shouted Chad.
“Chad, don’t do it!”
Before Chad could deal the final blow; the man who Rogue had tripped over threw himself into Chad, knocking him to the ground before running off into the night screaming, “It’s your fault this happened fireboy!”
“Get back here coward!” Shouted Chad.
The remaining men lay unconscious in the road, “Let’s get out of here. I’ll send someone to help these lot,” said Rogue nervously. She grabbed Chad’s hand and pulled him away, “What were you thinking Chad? You could have killed him.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. He just made me so mad,” replied Chad frustrated.
“Come on, let’s go.”
They continued to walk home, hoping to avoid any more trouble. They could hear clearly now the scared and confused mobs causing havoc through the city. Chad could not get the thought out of his head that tomorrow, their lives will change forever.
* * *
Something played terribly on Kelsic’s mind as she crossed the river and headed towards the courtyard where Mayor Crucillo and Captain Fishrual were still organising the troops.
Her own personal guard, The Lord’s Arms, were already stood, prepared to leave outside the main gate. Kelsic could not figure out what it was but she was sure it was to do with a conversation she had only yesterday.
Mayor Crucillo was signing paperwork when he came into view. Captain Fishrual was barking orders at confused sorcerers. Kelsic tried to force a smile as she approached the Mayor; he gave a relieved look when he saw her.
“Ah Kelsic, we could really use you right now,” said the Mayor anxiously, “How are your warriors doing? Many of these men and women are no where near ready for this. What are we going to do?”
“When the time comes they will be ready. They’ll have to be,” replied Kelsic, “They have the power. It is only experience many of these lack,” her mind was still stuck on what it was she was supposed to remember, Enough Kelsic. There is clearly more to worry about right now!
“We have bodies. Over two thousand. I just hope it will be enough,” said the Captain approaching.
“Any reserves?” Asked Kelsic.
“Plenty,” replied the Captain, “These are only orcs remember. No match against two thousand spellcasters.”
“Do not underestimate the enemy. They will have some fortune on their side travelling this far undetected,” said Kelsic firmly.
“They have few shamans,” replied Captain Fishrual.
“The Captain serves a point. If we ride out to meet them, we will have a surprising advantage as well as sheer power at our disposal,” said Mayor Crucillo.
“That would have been taken into consideration on their part. They would not walk here from Dekra to be picked off easily by a few spells. They know the city is vulnerable. That is why they strike now,” stressed Kelsic. She always knew the Captain for a fool. The only man she knew who had experienced full on, the devastation in Dekra and still thought the next fight would be easy.
“What do you suggest Kelsic?” Asked the Mayor hopefully.
Bleu’s voice appeared in her head, Use the gift.
“Gift?” Said Kelsic out loud.
“Sorry?” Asked Mayor Crucillo leaning forward.
Kelsic looked back at him, she decided she was not needed here just yet, “I have to go see someone, my apologies Mayor,” she turned to leave.
“Where are you going? There is still lots to do,” replied the Mayor.
“I am sorry. I have business to attend to. Have the soldiers ready to march as soon as possible!” Called Kelsic as she left.
She did not wait to hear a reply. Although she knew what it would have been. Mayor Crucillo had been left without her guidance at the best of times before, Use the gift of fire, she thought to herself as she hurried back through the streets. She knew she would have to convince the boy with the extraordinary abilities to play a part in the big battle if they were to stand a good chance, There are no coincidences, things happen for a reason, How could she sneak a child into the army though? That was the question.
Kelsic stopped to look at a house that had its windows smashed and garden destroyed, “The mobs really were out of control last night,” she said to herself. Kelsic suddenly remembered the three men at the med wing that had serious burn injuries, one to his face. She knew the boy would be a strong catalyst in the fight to come.
Being able to sense power levels was a huge advantage when looking for someone in the city. Kelsic could sense Chad’s power in the park near the Summer’s River inn. She went straight there and sure enough, found him sitting on a bench talking to what Kelsic presumed must have been his girlfriend. They were quite far away and would not be able to notice her unless obviously looking for her, which they were not. As Kelsic got closer she realised they were not talking as such but more like planning something. She wanted to find out what it was. Kelsic sat on a nearby empty bench and closed her eyes. She concentrated all of her thoughts on the surrounding area and then over to the area where the two kids were planning. She could now hear their conversation clearly.
“…Sten has already gone to the med unit,” said Rogue.
“So far so good,” replied Chad, “When do you want to go to the wall?”
“Not yet, we will let the soldiers leave first before we attempt it. Should be lightly guarded near the woods then.”
The woods? They’re planning an escape, thought Kelsic.
“We hope,” said Chad, “We sure could do with Greg’s help on this. Damn myself for saying that again.”
“It doesn’t hurt to ask for help every now and then Chad Wizardman,” said Rogue matter-of-factly, “I asked for your help with this Lumis and I will not leave those woods until we have found it.”
“What if this Bolgama character has already foun…”
Kelsic cut Chad off there, So they are looking for the Lumis. I can use this to my advantage, she smiled to herself as she left the park. It was time for an old friend to trade.
* * *