Today is my first day of exam. As usual, I went to school. I can see students studying, holding books everywhere. I stay in one corner and study till exam starts.
I enter into exam hall when bell rang. I starts writing my English exam. I can tell that, my first exam went well. After done with exam, I went home directly thinking that I have to prepare for next exam. All of my exam went well.
During exam, I didn't saw Namgay nor dorji. We would went to school at different time and when we exit, we would at different timing. So, I don't get any time to meet with them. Exam started and it also end without knowing how it ends.
I feel like something heavy that I had withstand were lost after exam was over. I feel tension free. I took out my mobile which is besides my bed on table. I login to facebook page and start to scroll news feed. I really hate Chatting with others, unless it's someone I know.