Act four, scene two

Live in Umueze, Joy and Abdullah are quarelling in their apartment. It is only few minutes before 8am - their resumption time. Mrs. Augustine, the homeowner, walked in to settle the rancor.

MRS. AUGUSTINE: (Stamps her feet) Biko, what has come over you two this morning?

JOY: (Hisses vigorously) I made his phone fall off in error. And, I ...... That was all.

MRS. AUGUSTINE: Is this true, Abdullah?

ABDULLAH: (In Hausa tongue) Yes. But, she made annoying remarks. That's the reason for my hostile reaction. I didn't mean to......

JOY: (Exclaims) Ah! Abdullah!

MRS AUGUSTINE: (Furious) Enough! Enough! I don't want anymore contention. I had enough already. My verdict is, stop this and get ready for work. Am I talking to human beings?


JOY: Thank you, Ma. But you..... (She points at Abdullah)