"No one seems to be suspicious. And no one's even touching your table Lucy.", Josh said behind my back, leaning his hands on my shoulders.

"Yeah he's right. It'll be ten minutes before our lessons start. And I usually arrive at this hour. Last day, the note was already there 5 minutes before the class started.", Rain seconded Josh's statement.

I went out from our hiding place, disappointed. I am expecting a note today. I am expecting to know who my stalker is.

"Maybe it was just a prank and you don't seemed to be scared that's why he or they already stopped.", Rain continued speaking.

"I think so. I just hope this will stop now. I'm going to start my day exhausted. I haven't slept."

"Is it still because of the noises from upstairs?", Josh asked and I nodded.

We started walking, heading to our room.

"It's the same noises. Mom's ignoring me even more. I know she's tired but I wonder why she isn't scared of that sound."

"Maybe those are all dreams Lucy.", said Rain.

"No Rain, even Josh heard that when he called me. He heard someone humming. You can even call me later and I'll prove it to you.", I challenged Rain.

"You sure about that?"

"Yes. I am going to record everything as the clock reaches 1AM if the call will not satisfy you."

Josh is not saying anything but is earnestly listening to us. I don't what he is thinking at this very moment, but his silence scares me.

"I should go to my room too.", he said and his expressions became cold.

I know Rain noticed it too but it is very awkward to ask if he's feeling fine.

"Josh, are you alright?", Rain asked.

"Yeah. I guess I was just sleepy like Lucy. The both of you, take care."

I faked a smile and Rain nodded. She then pulled me inside our room but as I was taking my second step, I saw Josh stumbled down in my peripheral vision.

"Josh!", I screamed and Rain looked back as well.

"Lucy what happened?", she asked.

"I don't know either. He just fell down."

"Can we carry him?"

"I think we can."

"Let's bring him to the clinic."

Because Josh was a huge man, carrying him is a struggle for us. It's even hard for us to lift him up.

"Hey can I help?", someone volunteered and he immediately helped us bringing him to the clinic.

Looking at Josh, I can see his pinkish lips turned pale. His hands are cold, he seems lifeless. What's going on with him?

"He'll be okay soon. We can wait for him to wake up. But you can go back to your class.", the nurse said.

I looked at Josh and I saw him looking better. His lips aren't pale anymore. All we have to do is for him to wake up. He's having a fever and what happened earlier really scared me.

"Lucy, we can't stay any longer. We still have our exams.", Rain said and by looking at her face, I can see she's already frustrated.

She started to open Josh's bag and got me his sticky note and his pen.

"Just write it down there. Tell him we already left and that we're going back to drive him to his house after the exams.", she said.

I guess I have no choice but to write what she just said. I am keeping my handwriting small to fit it on the small sticky note she got from his bag.

For some reasons, I know the yellow sticky note is familiar but I keep on ignoring that feeling for Rain's not really satisfied about us staying even just a minute here. It's not that she's not concerned but she easily gets pissed off doing nothing. And she is pissed off now for sure.

I pasted the paper on one of his notebooks. I even had the glimpse of his handwriting and I immediately smiled knowing how neat and formal it is. It looks like his writing's a girl's penmanship.

"Girl, I'm going to die waiting for you!"

Rain was already outside the clinic and she keeps on shouting, calling my name.


I left the clinic and saw that Rain is already a few steps away. I ran to catch up to her and said sorry but she didn't say anything at all. She's mad, pretty sure she is.

"Do you like him?", she asked.

"Wait what? What's the matter with you Rain?"

"I'm just not used that I am now having someone to share with your attention."

"My best friend's jealous."

"You talk to him even late at night and you keep dumping my messages. If I envy him, then you know it's your fault."

"It's not that. I don't like him; it's just somehow he reminds me of my mom. I mean the way he took care of me, the way he protected me."

"You just miss your mother Lucy and it's normal. What's not normal is you're not missing me."

"I miss the days we aren't like creepy heads. I miss the days that it's only the two of us, no one's bothering us and no one's putting something my desk, taking pictures while I was sleeping. I miss our hangouts. But how I wish you could understand that I am in danger and I should preserve my life. If I feel protected and comfortable being with Josh, I am sorry. I just hope you understand that more than even thinking of getting interested about someone, I should think about my safety first. If anything happens, I know Josh can protect himself. But I don't know if you can. I don't want you to be involved. I don't want you to get hurt."

She awed. Maybe now, her heart's getting softer.

"I will be there with your battles Lucy.", she hugged me tight.

I smiled and hugged her back.

"Can we go back to our room now?", I asked.

"Yes we should. I'm sorry for being dramatic."

"It's alright. All friendships are having ups and downs."

She held my hand and we walked together in the corridor. We bothered no one, we ignored everyone and just managed to walk with our heads high.

Rain became my safest place since we moved here. I honestly can tell her any secret that I am hesitant to report to my mom Kelly. She's been my comfort zone; she literally saves me from anything or anyone. And I will never turn my back away from her.