Chapter 3

Ally's P.O.V

In the last period, I had music....which just so happened to be the one class I would have with Keath for the whole year.

Fuck, I hope he keeps his damn promise to me and leaves me alone.

Mr.Greene came into the music room and started doing attendance.

After that he started talking, "Okay, so this class is mainly to find what you're good at and pursue it, for example Kayla, she is good at singing so she will be singing for an hour and a half, Jason, he's good at playing the drums, so he will be playing the drums for an hour and a half, and so on so forth. Some of you are good at playing guitar and singing, and some of you don't know what you are good at, for those of you who don't know, you will be working with a partner." He looked at me and then looked behind me.....and I bet you can guess who was behind me, not just a few feet behind me...but breathing down my neck, was fucking Keath!

I felt a little uneasy and upset with him for not keeping his promise to me.

"Before I lose my train of thought, I want singers to go to the practice room in the far back corner, I want guitar players in the practice room beside the singers, I want drummers out here, and the ones that don't know I want to go upstairs into an empty classroom," he looked at everyone once more then said, "Go."

I headed for an empty classroom upstairs...and so did fucking Keath.

"I swear Keath if you stalk me home today, I will not hesitate to strangle you," I said calmly.

"Can you even reach my neck shorty?" He said smirking.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at him. He seemed confused by this but smirked to cover it up.

I walked to him and stood right in front of him and measured how short I am compared to him, then I reached my arms up I could reach the top of his head when I went on my tip-toes.

Just then he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder while I screamed insults at him.

"Put me down, you fucking Titan!" I screamed at him. Then he started spinning me around really fast, and soon my insults slowly turned into laughter.

He finally set me down, and I got back to keeping a distance from him and not letting myself get distracted by this Titan.

I found a classroom and sat in a desk, Keath decided it would be wise if he sat in the front away from where I sat.

"You still want me to keep that promise I made earlier?" Keath asked.

I hesitated, "Yes, it would be wise if you did." I said looking down at the desk.

"Why would it be wise?" He asked.

"Just never mind okay, its just something that is a wise idea," I answered.

He got up and walked over to me stopping just in front of my desk bending down to look me in the eye. "Why would it be wise?"

Oh my god....his eyes, I thought they were beautiful before, but this close, holy fuck they were dreamy, and looked like they heald a lot of secrets and emotions, ugh I need to look away before this gets awkward, of course, it doesn't help that he's this close to my face.

"Because just would be," I said, finally looking away from him.

He just sighed and stood up straight walking back to his seat in the front.

Awe look at that, you fucked up....again! Surprise, surprise.

Well, I did just fuck up all over again, I like the way things are between us. Maybe we are friends...? Haha nope, no one likes me everyone hates me, its just the way it is, plus it won't be long before the skanks try to have sex with him, he is really hot, nice, kind-hearted, and fun to be around. I just don't need it, I know he will turn his back on me, just like Katie.

Keath's P.O.V.

I was so close to kissing her not even a minute ago, I wanted to kiss her, but she seemed to not be interested in me, she won't even tell me why it would be wise to leave her alone, does she think she will hurt me in some way? That's just not possible though, she's so kind...well depending on how serious it is.

If she's afraid of that, well she just shouldn't be afraid of hurting me, I've been through so much that I wouldn't care, don't take that the wrong way, but I just don't care about anything or anyone.