Chapter 10

Ally's P.O.V.

Keath just called me perfect...what the fuck, does he even see that I'm fat and completely worthless?

You're too perfect, that's why every guy is fawning over you, right?

I could hear the sarcasm in my demons voice, she's been quiet why does she have to come back right now why couldn't she stay away?

Can you leave me alone? Please, I'm literally begging you to just go away.

Haha, you already know how to get rid of me but you know it won't be for long a few days at most all it takes is a few cuts on each wrist and then I'm out of your head.

I'm not going to do that! I'm trying to stop for the sake of Keath!

You really think he gives a rats ass about you? Wow you're naïve, all the things he's said about you were lies every compliment he's given you, I mean look at him he's perfect and you're everything but perfect you're useless, you're fat, you're disgusting, and you're a complete embarrassment to all of the man kind.

She has a point...I mean he is perfect he has a perfect life, he has no cuts or scars, he's just a regular alternative guy, so why would someone like him want to be with me...I have nothing to offer him.

"I will be right back," I said to Keath and forced a smile onto my face.

"Okay, hurry back," Keath said smiling happily at me.

Is he happy that I'm leaving the room? Does he even know what I'm thinking? Does he even realize that I had a fake smile playing on my lips?

Doesn't matter. I turned and walked up the stairs to my quiet hell where I face my demons alone where I can cry alone and do whatever to take the emotional pain away.

As soon as I got in my room I looked at my desk for my double sided razor, it wasn't there...what the fuck!

So I went into my private bathroom and grabbed the one I had hidden under the sink I felt around for the tape the sealed it to the bottom of the counter. When I found it I pulled it out and looked at myself in the mirror, I wanted to smash the mirror so I wouldn't have to see all my flaws staring back at me.

I held the razor to my wrist. Do I really want to do this? I mean sure it gets rid of my demons for a little while, but what if Keath finds out? What if this pushes him away even more?

But before I could put the razor down, I slid it hard against my wrist creating a deep gash that blood just flowed out of the cut, I did this again and again and again.

I started feeling a hit dizzy so I sat on the floor. As soon as I was sitting on the floor I felt something wet covering the floor, I looked down and all saw was blood.

Is this what you had in mind? If so congratulations, you did the job that everyone else wanted to do but wouldn't only because they don't want to go to jail, you did the world a favour, one less worthless emo to worry about.

My vision started going black around the edges, all I wanted to do was close my eyes and let go, but I kept fighting, why? I have no clue.

My last thought was, what would Keath say if he saw me right now, and then everything went black.

Keath's P.O.V.

Ally's been upstairs for a while now, what is going on, I mean she missed the whole movie!

"Ally! Are you coming back down here?!" I yelled loud enough so she could hear me upstairs, but I didn't get a reply.

What the fuck? I went upstairs to her room and knocked on the bedroom door. "Ally? Are you decent?" I asked.

Still no reply. "I'm coming in," I said and covered my eyes, I slowly took my hand from my eyes and saw that the bathroom door was closed.

"Ally? Are you in there?" I asked again.

No reply, "Ally you're starting to worry me." I said into the bathroom door.

Again no reply.

I opened the bathroom door and what I saw fucking scared me, it tore my heart right out of my chest.

She was sitting in a bathroom filled with her blood it was leaking from her wrists.

It was like a faucet that wouldn't turn off, without another thought I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance I told them her address and told them what had happened.

I didn't realize I was crying until I looked in the mirror, I had tears streaming down my face, my cheeks were blotchy, my entire face was red.

I looked away and went straight to Ally I put my fingers on her neck to feel for a pulse, I could feel it but it was faint. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around both of her wrists and applied as much pressure as possible to stop the bleeding.

"Ally if you can hear me, you're going to be okay, I'm here I'm not going to leave your side not even in the hospital I promise! Just please stay here with me I can't lose you, you've become the only person I fucking care about, please don't go." I said crying so hard I thought China could hear me.

I love her, I can't lose her, I refuse to lose her.

Soon the parametric took her away in the ambulance I got in my car and followed them the entire way speeding to stay behind them.